chapter 17

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She got out of the room, as she wore her heavy, embroidered dupatta again on her shoulders. She silently sat at a distance from him on the couch.
The hot food was placed on the table in front of her.
Gladly it had pasta, which instantly made her hungry. And she picked up the pasta bowl and ate it without feeling his presence. Pasta was her first love, she always liked Italian food.
He looked at her and smiled at the way she was eating. Despite being hungry, she was denying his offer.
He ate his food in silence, and enjoyed by stealing glances at her.

After they were done with food, it was already 7pm. And they had to leave for airport.

"I bought some dresses for you which I placed in cupboard, go and change yourself in 5 mins. We need to leave now" he told her making her go white.

"Just five minutes? I need time to get this heavy dress off" she asked in amazement.

"Well then let me help you, I'll rip it into two in no time" he said mocking her.

Her face became blank with his words. He was really a black hearted man.
She got up immediately and ran into the room, closing the door. Then she opened the cupboard and found the shopping bags.
To her surprise the dresses were western style, and not her type.
They were jeans and shirts which she never wore in her life.
Gladly she found a long black coat in last bag. It will be enough to cover herself. She took off her dress and then took a short bath. Hopefully her hair were not as much styled and sprayed, so they didn't need another wash in the same day.
She tied her hair in bun. Wore the sky coloured t shirt and black pants. Covering herself with the black coat she was ready. To her surprise, there were sneakers too which she didn't noticed before. She took off her heels and wore them.

Umer already shopped everything for her as he didn't wanted her to wear eastern clothing. He wanted every little thing on her body to be owned by him, even her body too. So he asked his personal assistant to arrange everything, which she will need to wear.

Then she collected her all belongings and packed them in her brief case. She got out of the room to find him standing at the door, glancing at his watch with a stern face.

"What took you so long?" He shouted making her tremble.

"I'm sorry" she in a low voice.

"Fuck your apology!" He shouted in the same tone and took her brief case from her hand harshly and opened the door to get out.
She silently followed him behind.
He was walking so fast, that she had to run behind him to reach his pace.

To their luck, elevator opened quickly and they entered.

The hotel was just 10 mins away from the airport. So it didn't took much time for them to reach airport, as the hotel's private car was already ready at their service.

It was the first time when she saw her passport in umer's hand as he forwarded it to the counter.
Her pain revived again, as it made sense to her. Her parents already gave her passport without her knowledge to Umer, and they didn't even asked her or took it necessary to at least tell her.
They both were now sitting in the plane, on their aisle seats. But Ayeleen's seat was close to the window.
It was her first time in a international flight. She was scared a bit, because she heard the international planes mostly fly above the sea.
As the plane took off, she clenched his arm tightly, as it always triggers her anxiety. Even she couldn't use elevators normally. It made her head spin and she closed her eyes tightly in fear.

He was although surprised at her reaction, but didn't minded. He soothed her back with his hand to make her feel better. As the plane got normal on its pace, she recovered.

Their journey throughout was silent, as he kept working on his laptop and she gladly took out her novel out of the bag before giving her luggage.


The middle aged driver stopped the car in front of a mansion. She looked out of the window, only to find a stately manorial house in the middle of the city. From the airport till home she kept her eyes on the road, discovering the new city which she never saw before. The tall buildings, for which the Dubai was popular, different people, clean and the fully lighted roads left her in awe. The beauty of Dubai was indeed mesmerizing and stunning.
But thy empyreal, modern and stylish house in front of her was owned by her so called husband was something surprising for her.
The driver opened the door and they both got out of the car.
As she stepped inside, the large swimming pool of fresh water in front of her filled her eyes. The rare plants which decorated the villa were so soothing to her eyes.
The house in front of her, all made up of glass and had the most ostentatious design. She was amazed by the work of the architecture. It seemed like a dream house to her.
As she kept gazing at the sight in front of her, Umer went inside long ago and the driver carried her luggage inside.

She recovered from her trance and entered inside to look at the interior posh and sumptuous.
The maids welcomed her and one of the came forward and greeted her.
Then she offered her to take her to her room which she gladly accepted. After a long day she wanted to rest and dive into a deep sleep.
To her surprise, she didn't see Umer. For her curiousness, she asked the maid.

And she replied that at this hour Umer must be in his study room, from where everyone is prohibited to enter.
Even no one ever entered his study room to sweep and clean. Once a month they clean his room, only in his presence. Except that no one ever dared to enter it, as his most important and confidential documents are placed there.

She ignored the maid's unnecessary talk and asked her name interrupting her. Which she told her as Anna. She was the head maid of the house and used to work in kitchen. While other maids used to do all the chores of the villa, in her supervision.

As the maid left the room she looked at her room closely. It was a perfect room for a princess. But she was going to be encaged here.
She opened the cupboard and found all the beautiful, branded dresses which she never saw in her life.
On the other side, Umer's clothes were placed which mostly consisted of professional suites and casual t shirts and trousers.
She made a foul mouth at it and closed the cupboard. His belongings made her more upset as she reminded her why she was here.

She went into the washroom and took a long warm bath again. Then she changed into her night dress, which she took out from her cupboard. Wearing it, she felt comfortable.
She laid on the bed, and hugged the pillow wishing he never comes to his room. And this way she'll live peacefully here on her own.
Although her innocent wishes meant nothing, but they made her relax. And she hugged pillow tightly, in hope that one day she will disappear from everyone's life and will live on her own, leading her own life as she want. And no one will ever be able to find her or stop her.
Even she started to forget Yahya. He was a coward in front of his parents. In seven years, he couldn't even mention her to his family. While created a dream life with him.
But one thing was sure he loved her and she loved him too. The fire was igniting from both sides.
For the time being, she wanted to deny her feelings and forget him but her heart was not letting it go.

"You are my rainbow Ayleen. I've found all the colours of my life in you. My life is complete with your presence. The day I saw you smiling, I found all the reasons to make you mine..."

His words echoed in her ear making her shiver. Her senses became numb as she remembered the day when he first time saw her in restaurant with her friends. She was laughing in her own, unaware of the surroundings. That's when he saw her and instantly fell in love with her. Her smile was something everyone praised her for.

"When you smile, it feels like flowers bloom sunshine shown on your face..."

He once told her.

She wanted to sleep but his memories made her miserable. He was not a man to forget. His love will always haunt her. And she was about to gave up.

To interrupt her thoughts, the door opened suddenly and Umer appeared in front of her sight, wearing a casual trouser and shirts. Which she wondered where did he changed his clothes? Because his room was the one, he was in now.
But his mysterious looking face gave her shivers and her instincts told her to worry more about that.
His expressions were telling her another story, and she was certainly scared of him.
She knew what was going to happen, and it already gave her jolts of shock.....

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