chapter 21

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It was 2pm when suddenly Umer barged into the house. He took long strides, and his face looked horrible with the stern expression and tightened jaw. He looked enraged and fury dripping from his face. The dangerous aura coming from him would scare anyone around him. He turned towards his study room and opened the door with a loud thud.

He saw that everything was organized and cleaned, and was nothing like before.
He looked at the table where he usually kept his office documents. He was trying to find something but nothing caught his eye.
It added fuel to his anger.

"Anna!" He shouted in a dangerous tone.

Realizing the unusual tone in his voice, she rushed from the kitchen and hurriedly reached his study room. Her head hung low, as she could clearly sense the hot anger.

"Yes sir" she replied in low voice.

"Who the fuck entered in my study room?" He said through gritted teeth but a very scary tone.

"I'm sorry sir but I told miss Ayeleen to not clean it but she insisted that it was very dirty......" She tried to explain but interrupted.

"So Ayeleen dared to enter in my room?" He asked in his final words.

"Yes sir but..." She tried to make up some excuse but in a second he got out of the sight as soon he got his answer.

She started praying under breath, that it may not happen what she's expecting. She will not be able to bear it.

His steps were so loud that they echoed in the whole house. He went up the stairs and opened the door with his right leg as it was already open.
Ayeleen was sitting on the couch, busy in laptop. As soon she heard the loud noise, she got up immediately to take a look at. But before she could see herself, his large muscular body came in sight, all dressed up in black tuxedo.

His face expressions gave her shivers all over. She looked at him to meet his gaze.

"Did you went in my study room?" He asked in his usual scary tone.

"Yes but I went to clean it, it was....." She tried to collect her words.

"How dare you bitch? Who allowed you to invade my private room?" He said through gritted teeth as he leaned forward to fist her hair and jolted her head back.

"Please leave me" she said through tears which as a reflex started to flow down her cheeks.

"You should've thought about it back then bitch! You cost me lost of millions! Not even one!" He shouted in her face.

With her little hands she tried to push him. With a jerk he left her hair.
Without any further movement, he grabbed her by her hand and took her near to the bed.

"You made two mistakes! First you invaded my privacy, second you cost me loss of 50 millions. It's time for your punishment so you never try to do it again, better never think about it." He whispered in her ear, gritting his teeth in fury.
While jolts of current ran down her spine as his words affected her greatly.

"Remove your clothes now!" He shouted in her face. While her face went white with his command.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. Don't punish me" she pleaded while she joined her both hands together in helplessness.

His personality was screaming dominance, and now he only wanted her to obey him. His pleadings didn't even moved him a bit. He was so enraged due to his loss, that her every tear, every word was in vain. He never compromised on his business. That was the sole reason, he was living in a castle and built up his own empire.

"I said strip! Or I will tear your clothes with my own hands!" He warned her with anger dripping from each word.

She still hesitated. She closed her eyes shut and hung her head low, and sobbed silently.
Without another second he grabbed her from the collar of her shirt and pulled her towards him.

"I guess I should do it myself" he merely whispered in her face.
As he was about to rip her shirt apart with his both hands, she stopped him.

"Please I'll do it myself" she said between crying and sobbed more. Now she was crying with hiccups.

She took off her shirt, as the humiliation was the worse she ever experienced. She was so embarrassed at her state, she wanted to disappear somewhere.

As soon as she took off her shirt, he pushed her to the bed.
To her shock she didn't understand what he was trying to do. She tried to hide herself with her bare hands. But in a swift he took off her tie and tied her both hands with the head board, as he turned her to make her lay on her front.
She cried silently, and pleaded him to stop and leave her. She didn't understood a single thing he was doing. But she was too scared with his ways.
Her hands tied, and she laid on her front as her head was between her both arms. She was facing the worst humiliation.

To her ears, the next thing she heard was him, unbuckling his belt behind her back.

"This is the least punishment I'm gonna give you!" He said to himself while she heard it as a whisper.

"Please let me go! I promise it will not happen again! Don't do it" she tried her best to convince him last time before the belt landed on her bare back and a loud scream left her mouth.
She hissed in pain, her back was burning. Another one landed with a sharp loud voice.
Her screams filled the room. It felt like her skin was getting separate from her bones. The pain was unbearable. She screamed out her lungs with each hit. The state of anguish made her body go numb. She couldn't feel her back with herself anymore. She thought her soul is going to leave her body. She wished it. The jolts of pain shook her to the core. Her mind couldn't process anything, the only thing she could feel, think was aches. She lost hope after the 10th hit. She made up her mind that she was going to die like this.

Her throat gave up, she couldn't even make a sound now. Her back was a mess with blood.
Each hit torment her more than before. His torture ended when he became himself tired. He threw the belt on the floor with click sound and
got out in wrath.

Leaving her in affliction. She became unconscious and lost her senses. Her hands still tied to the headboard. She don't know when her mind became a fuzz, tunnel vision appeared before her eyes and she could feel her heart beating slowly. She could feel everything around her getting dark. There was no light in her sight. Everything disappeared from her vision. And she went into a dream, where she couldn't feel any pain. There was no sign of torture. She couldn't feel her body with herself. Only her soul was there.
She fainted.


Umer took out a bottle of beer from the shelf as he stood in his study room. He poured the ice cubes and added the beer. He sat on the couch and sighed. He took a large sip from the glass and gulped it down. He took a deep breath and looked at the large table in front of him. Although he took out his rage on her but still it didn't cooled him down. His loss was unbearable for him.
He didn't cared even if he has to kill someone for it. It was common thing for him. How many people he killed until now, he himself lost count.

As he took a another large sip, his eye caught something beneath the table. It looked like a corner of the paper.
He stood up from his couch as he placed the glass on the table.
Curiosity got best of him and he leaned down to pick it up.

He forwarded his hand to pick it up. As soon the paper got in his hand and his eyes fell on it, he became shocked.

It was the same document of the contract for which he lost millions today. He fisted his other hand and dug his nails in his palm in frustration as he closed his eyes.

"Fuck it!" He cursed loudly making the whole room echo.

He stood up and kicked the table hard.
All hovered by wrath, he picked up his phone from the table and dialled the number to call Betty.
She picked up at the first ring.

"Set another meeting with those bastards! Right now!" He said through gritted teeth, but she could sense the rage beneath his words.

"But sir they won't...." She was cut off between.

"If you don't want me to fire you then do the fuck as I say Betty. Or I guess you know better what will happen to you" he warned her in threatening voice. He cut the call immediately after stating his last words.

The only thing which occupied his mind was to get this contract sign as soon as possible. He wanted this project more than his life. He never compromised on her business and killed those who tried to place thorns in his way.
And he didn't regretted a bit to punish Ayleen in his way.
But something he thought, that she was weak to bear his cruel ways.

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