chapter 3

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It was Tuesday and as usual, she was sitting with Dr Samantha in the hospital room, checking patients and writing down the diseases and some important points.
While Dr Samantha was explaining to her how infant growth is highly disturbed by an unbalanced diet and intake of unhealthy food can cause deficiencies and diseases, the nurse knocked on the door.

"Dr Samantha you have an unexpected special patient," she said after opening the door.

"Who?" She asked curiously.

"Mr Umer" she replied hurriedly.

"Ohh what happened to him? Send him right away" she replied while joy filled her face at the mention of an unusual name.

"Yes mam" she went away.

In a moment the door opened and the same handsome appeared before Ayeleen's eyes with whom she had an unpleasant meeting yesterday night. Her instincts told her that something is wrong with this man and she had bad feelings about him.
As he stepped in, his burning gaze fell straight at her, not sparing her for even a moment. Trying to dig inside her eyes, he didn't break the contact which her eyes created at the sudden appearance. While not in the mood to face him again, she averted her eyes first. And he sat opposite Dr Samantha.

"Oh, Umer! When did you come from Dubai? And what happened to you? Are you alright?" Dr Samantha's joyful but worried voice broke his chain of thoughts and he was forced to look at her.

"Yeah I just came, it's been a week. I'm just having some common symptoms you know. Your young doctor beside you attended to me yesterday" he said while looking at her, making Dr Samantha also look at her.

"Oh, Ayeleen so you checked him yesterday?" She asked.

"Yeah, he came while I was in your place last night. He didn't have any serious symptoms but still, I asked him to go through some tests, so you can figure out better" she admitted while looking straight at Dr Samantha, not sparing him a glance.
On the other side, he was watching her like a hawk. With a smirk, he watched her way of talking, noticed her nervousness and when her body tensed a bit at the mention of his tests.

"You did a great job, then I'll need to see his tests then" she replied while returning her attention to Umer.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, Dr Samantha! my father came along with me to meet you and he is waiting for you in his usual private room," he said, trying to make Dr Samantha leave the room and have his private time with Ayeleen.

"Oh god! You should have told me this first Umer. I'll go then to meet him and Ayeleen I'll ask the nurse to bring you his reports right away, so go through them and when I'll come, tell me whether it's major or minor" she ordered Ayeleen while picking up her phone from the table before she went away in hurry, leaving them alone.

"How are you Dr Ayeleen?" He asked while giving her a smirk.

"I'm fine" she replied shortly, refusing to give him a stare.

"Why are you so conservative? Or is it just with me?" He asked in a provoking manner.

"Mr Umer it's none of your business. You are my patient, and there's no reason, to be frank with you" she replied, lifting her face and witnessing the colours of his face that just changed at her reply.

Her words raged him from head to toe, and losing his control he stood up from his chair instantly, leaning on the table to face her, his both hands so tightly placed on the table on either side that his knuckles could be seen as white.

"What do you think you are?" He asked through gritted in such a temper that her breath hitched at the sudden closure of his presence.
She remained silent and her little brain couldn't process what he was doing and why he was doing it.

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