chapter 48

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As he came home in evening, he found her setting tables for dinner in the hall. He took it as usual. No matter how much he tried to hide it, the news really moved him. And he couldn't help but think about it. It was not his some business deal but a baby, his own blood. But he knew it he didn't wanted children and it was early yet, abortion was the most reliable way for him.
The butler took his brief case and placed it in the study room while he went upstairs to change.

She didn't have him unwanted attention as she was aware of his arrival. She silently sat on the chair and started to take out food for herself in her plate. She didn't wanted to wait for him.
After a moment he arrived and saw her as she ate her dinner on her own.

He thought maybe she is mad about morning. So he started his dinner without any word.

After a while she started the conversation.

"At what time do I need to go to the doctor?" She asked without looking at him.

In shock he looked at her blankly. She was ready for abortion?

"Tomorrow, 9 am. The driver will drop you and pick you up and if needed I'll come too. You may take Anna too" he replied while looking at her but she gave no attention.

"No need, I'll manage myself." She replied coldly.

"You sure?" He was more shocked by her response.

"I don't want the killer of my baby to be my side at the moment when I'll be grieving at my loss. I think this reason is enough" she replied while she looked straight into his eyes with fury.

"Well said" he commented and didn't continued the conversation.

She finished her dinner earlier and left the table soon before him.

He was rather stunned by her attitude. He couldn't believe she was ready for the abortion, maybe she was used to now, to his tactics.

He was satisfied but still worried that he should be with her at that time in case of any complexities.
But her dry reply made him change his mind. She really don't want him to be near her at the moment. And she deserves this much privacy. He thought and shook his head in worry.

She calmly sat on the bed and started thinking of another way to get her passport out of his hold. She'll need to lie or play something so he can give her passport himself.
An idea struck her mind and she waited for him to come in the room.

After waiting for good ten minutes, he finally opened the door.
He sat on the bed and started working on his phone as he looked kinda busy.

She got her nerves and spit out the lie which she planned.

"Where did you placed my passport?" She asked and tried to stay relax.

He lifted his gaze from his phone to see her. He was surprised at her demand all of sudden.

"Why do you need it?" He asked back.

"I applied for a online job as I've got alot of time these days, and I can't find my identity card, I think I forgot it in Pakistan so I need my passport for it" She lied smoothly.

"Hmm ok I'll give you" he got again busy in his phone.

She tried not to be desperate and held her nerves. She needed it urgently till morning but his irresponsible reply made her more angry.

She turned off her lamp and tried to laid down. She prayed that god might help her too. She did it all what she could now her one wrong move will make him suspicious.

"How did you made up your mind for abortion all of sudden? In morning you were a different story" he said all of sudden making her nervous.

"What makes you think I'm ready for abortion? Did you gave me another option? I am still ready to beg you if it can change your mind. But your stern reply shattered my hopes and I know further pleadings will be in vain. Most of all I don't want a child with the man who is the reason of my miseries. What life my baby will have when her own mother couldn't save her rights?" She replied talking out her heart to him. That's what she thought about him.

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