chapter 69

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"you don't have to thank me" she replied patting on his back. She felt his tears on her skin as she consoled him. 

"I have to thank you for everything you did until now. I never thought that you will stay with me. You gave me a chance and I will always be thankful" he replied as he wiped his tears with his hand. 

"Look at me" she told him. 

He pulled back from hug and looked at her concerned but determined face. 

She wiped his tears with her hand and then cupped his face. 

"Everyone deserves a second chance. It's not just you. And we have a family now, it cannot be completed without you. I'm always gonna stay with you" she told him, fighting her insides which provoked her for giving up her dreams. 

He just couldn't contain himself as he leaned in and took her into a kiss by surprise. He held her close to himself as his arm snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. 

"You are like a breath to me" he told her between the kiss as his lips brushed over hers. 

They continued the kiss as they were incredibly close to each other, their chests touching and her waist making contact with his torso. 

As they ran out of breath, she tried to pull away and push him, realizing his intentions. 

"I'm already sore from past days. Let me a rest a bit or I'll die at this rate" she complained. 

"Today is my birthday and I want a real gift from you. I can't let you go tonight" he replied and took her possessively again into his arms. 

"You can't escape me tonight" he told her seductively with a hint of dominance. 

She didn't responded and just let him do whatever he wanted. She knew he won't stop as he already told her. 

He kissed her neck, giving her hickeys and leaving marks. As they undressed each other in process, he made her lay on bed. 

He peppered kisses all over her body, cherishing her. He made love to her until she found it confusing as he didn't made any move. 

Then he took her into his arms and made her out her head on his chest, enclosing her in his embrace. 

"You said you want it tonight" she asked him curiously. 

"Yes I want this with you. Want to feel you against my skin, your warmth, your touch. Let's stay like this whole night" his words shocked her to no extent. 

He was undeniably unpredictable sometimes for her. His actions sometimes made her feel so special as he treated her like an angel. 

"I want you to continue your job here" he spoke suddenly. 

As soon the words left his mouth, she held her head up, looking at him with wide eyes. 

"Don't look at me like that Ayleen" he protested. 

"Are you serious?" She asked in astonishment. 

"Yes I'm serious, I want you to pursue your career here. I don't want to make you feel like you're encaged here. Start your career, do job and whatever you want. If you wanna visit your family in Pakistan, I don't mind it either" he whispered each word emphasizing on it. 

"I don't think you're sure" she told him. 

"Ayleen I'm sure and I know you must be surprised to hear that. But I trust you and I want you to do everything you want. Don't feel like I'm stopping you because that makes me feel guilty. I feel ashamed for my past actions" he confessed making her feel assure of his intentions. 

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