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Liked by choi.san.fanboy, Hobisunpill, and 31,009 others.

Berryseonghwa: Hi 🙈 I dyed my hair black...again. I'm not feeling the best right now, so I won't be showing much of me. I'm going to an ATEEZ concert with a new friend, so I can't wait for that! Also, Thank you for the nice comments...you don't know how much they mean to me. 😓 

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Felix.go.deep: Oh no :( I hope you're doing Okay! You're so beautiful UGH.

MiniHwa: Poor thing 😭 Get better, we'll miss you.

Hobisunpill: Can't wait ! 🤗

NotbabyBomgyu: Get well soon. Fighting! 💖

Seongjoongshipper: @™️joonglet You're baby is sad 😭

Woosunshine: @™️joonglet !!!

BAM_BAM: @™️joonglet 🤧 Help your babe :(

justforfun251: @™️joonglet  <<<<<😫 Hoping for a fast recovery

Seonghwa_is_an_idiot: I hope you get punched in your already ugly face. Fucking slut 😁

Stacy12: ^^ please kindly shut the hell up :)

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now