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Last day of school // Sophomore year

Hongjoong walked to the normal place where he usually waited. This time a lingering bitterness surrounded him. He was waiting for Seonghwa, and Ji-Hoon, of course but this time Seonghwa wasn't alone and this time he was walking hand-and-hand with Seowon.

"Hey Hongjoong!" Seonghwa cheered happily. 

Hongjoong and Seonghwa made eye contact. For a second it seemed like the two's worlds had stopped. Seonghwa's gaze became glazed as if he were unsure, as if tears would fall any second. Hongjoong's lips sprung to a smile. His smile was reluctant at first, then it became melancholy.

"Hey guys." 

It was no longer Seonghwa he greeted now. It was Seonghwa and Seowon. 

Hongjoong was perplexed at his feelings. No, he was sure of them and he knew what he was feeling. What confused him was why didn't he feel these emotions towards Ji-Hoon anymore?


Middle of Junior year

Seonghwa wasn't sure if he should go to the party. Seowon claimed that he'd never leave his side and he never doubted, but he was just scared. Seonghwa never went to a high school party. Even if it was the middle of the school year, friends are established, and parties are a guaranteed thing, Seonghwa never found himself invited to one. But for this one, he went. He wanted to show Seowon that he wasn't still a little kid. Seowon said he didn't mind, that he would understand either decision but the fact that Seonghwa did it, just made him swell with pride.

How'd I get so lucky?

So it was just going on midnight and the party was in full swing. Teens were grinding on each other left and right and the party house smelled of sex and alcohol. Seowon was no where to be seen, which Seonghwa readily prepared himself for, and his skull seemed to be dancing around in his head. Seonghwa navigated his way through entangled bodies and loud music to where the drinks were being passed out. Who knew what was in these dark color liquids. Seonghwa avoided them.

He waved over the guy he thought was serving drinks. (He was wrong) 

"Can I get a glass of water please? I don't drink alcohol." He mumbled the last part and the man nodded. The sly smile plastered on his face.

When the man came back, he wasn't holding water but instead a cup of red liquid. Seonghwa didn't feel like questioning it.

"Fruit punch." The man states, then walks away, off into the busy crowd. 

Seonghwa shrugged and was just about to take a sip of the mystery liquid when he felt a hard force on his arm, resisting any movement. He whipped his head around and gasped, then hiccupping when seeing that Hongjoong was holding onto his wrist.

"Hongjoong? Why are you here?" Seonghwa shrieked in between violent hiccups in his voice.

"Do you know what you're about to drink?" Without even waiting to receive an answer, Hongjoong squinted to find the culprit, "Hey asshole! Don't try this shit ever again. Prick."


Hongjoong texted Seowon to tell him that he'd take Seonghwa home. There was no answer obviously but at least he wouldn't panic when he wouldn't see Seonghwa. 

"What did I do wrong?" Seonghwa frowned angrily but soon it twisted into a cute pout. Hongjoong fought the urge to go over and hug him since he was just so adorable.

He placed his hands on Seonghwa's shoulders and let him to the full length mirror to further prove his point about creeps in the world.

Seonghwa uttered the words, 'I'm not attractive.'  Which left Hongjoong dumbfounded.

"Seonghwa you're so pretty I'm sure you'd make a straight man gay."

Seonghwa wiggled in Hongjoong's arms whining, telling him to not embarrass him like that. Wrapping his arms around Seonghwa and exhaled, letting his desires get the best of him, Hongjoong focused his eyes on every line, every curve of Seonghwa's body.

"You're beautiful, Hwabun."

The older boy stuttered an 'ok' as his face grew warm. Seonghwa didn't know why he felt weak in the knees from his best friend's words. He didn't understand why his heart would beat faster whenever they were this close to each other. Seonghwa ignored it, pushed it away, saying that it would be for the better.


Last day of Junior year

Today, Hongjoong ended up waiting. Nobody came today. Ji-Hoon was on a trip...hah! Hongjoong laughed bitterly.

Seowon and Seonghwa were on a date.

And Hongjoong was alone.

Left to think of his complicated feelings. 

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now