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therealateez: Woosan cross! Hello fellow ATINY, we are proud to announce that ATEEZ will be coming back with a fan meet! We gave the information about location and the date, some members do like to give spoilers to you ATINY... but it will be hosted today! We hope you all will be able to attend!

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BinnieChan: What! Damn it's about time.

Hansickle: OMG YES YES YES! They're going to look so GOOD.

Hongjoong's wife: NO WAY I GET TO SEE MY HUSBAND(S)

I.Soobin: Someone restrain me or I will climb on that stage...

Holysan: As long as you stay away from Yeosang and Woowoo its okay with me :D

NotBabyBeomgyu: @Holysan OMG HE COMMENTS

Woosanenthusiast: THEY'RE SO CUTE OMG. Freeing up storage on my phone ASAP


Seonghwa stared at the instagram post. Should I go? Should I not? He asked himself over and over again. Seowon wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow for a business trip. 

"Will I get to see Hongjoong again.." Seonghwa thought aloud as he fixed himself in the mirror. There were bruises everywhere, some that he didn't even bother to cover up. After being with Seowon, Seonghwa hated to look at himself. He had convinced himself that the people commenting that he was beautiful and angelic, were all liars. How could I ever be pretty, he thought to himself.

Brushing away those thoughts, Seonghwa pulled a hoodie way too big for him over his body. Hongjoong had gotten it for him in high school and they laughed because Hongjoong could never get his size right.  Seonghwa found some black skinny jeans to wear and nodded in approval in the mirror.

Running hurriedly down the stairs, Seonghwa grabbed his phone and his keys, making sure to look out the window to make sure Seowon was gone. He checked himself one more time and headed out the door.


Hongjoong was never nervous when he went to a fan meet. He never got tired of seeing his fans cry with tears of joy when they saw the members, or when they would laugh happily whenever Wooyoung did aegyo. So why was he nervous now?


Hongjoong POV

My anxiety was starting to kick in even before we got in the bus. My palms were sweating like hell so I rubbed them on my pants for some type of relief. I imagined Seonghwa next to me, laying his hand on top of mine to calm me down. It worked because I could see clearly and my heart wasn't beating so rapidly. 

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now