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Berryseonghwa: I like Hongjoong guysss 😂😭 ok goodnight love you. Muah. I drunk a lot hehe. Who wants to be my friend? :D

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Woosanenthusiast: I- 📸 Also I'll be your friend bby 🥺

Seongjoonglove: Not the drunk confession- 🤭 Let's be friends!

Hansickle: I stopped my date with Minho just to see this. 😣I would love to be friends with this cutie wth

Fixon_me:  WBN 😏'

™️joonglet: I'm taking his phone away from him. 😐😄

Yeji.ofc: Yes we love @™️joonglet being a protective boyfriend.😁

odkai: He's super cute. 🥺

Yeonyjun: ^ but he's Hongjoong's so you can't have him :)

Chayeongs: @Yeonyjun They aren't a couple. 🙄

Woosunshine: Well not yet they aren't (❁'◡'❁)

Holysan: I agree with @Woosunshine aka my baby- 

Woosanenthusiast: Even the members out here exposing our leader🤧


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