𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘢𝘵𝘦

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Ever since Seonghwa had gotten drop dead drunk, he fell into a fever. It was pretty high and unusual, but it didn't come to a shock to Hongjoong. There were times in high school when Seonghwa would drink a hole into his stomach, and he'd become sick. He couldn't eat nor open his eyes during those times. 

It would take a toll on Hongjoong's health as well because Seowon didn't know how to take care of him. There was once a time when Seowon cared greatly for Seonghwa, but not anymore. 

"We can take care of him. You look worse than Seonghwa right now!"

"Stop being so stubborn."

"Leaders also need to take rests sometimes..."

Forever Hongjoong would be grateful for his members but when it came to Seonghwa, he was selfish. So selfish it caused a gossip amongst the members, it was like they were giggling gossip girls in high school:

"Look at how sweet he is to Seonghwa."

"Ugh. I feel like an abandoned puppy. Our owner found something new and shiny."

"I'm not mad with handing over my position as the favorite to Seonghwa-"

Currently though, Hongjoong was placing a wet cloth on Seonghwa's forehead, and always making sure the covers came up to the older's chin. A few times, Seonghwa would instinctually kick Hongjoong at the random touches or wiggle his cute nose at the cold sensation on his forehead. The words 'cold' and 'food' would fall idly from Seonghwa's lips, causing Hongjoong to chuckle. 

It was around four in the morning, when Hongjoong was woken from his sleep by being shaken from an unknown force. 

"I'm trying to sleep," he mumbled. 

Might that have been the moment he screwed up because he felt a force like a boulder slamming against his head. His head shot up and he squinted, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the dark. 

"S-seonghwa? Are you feeling okay? Is your head still burning up-"

His hand was slapped away by a fuming Seonghwa. 

"Am I okay? You look like a corpse right now! Lay down right now."

"I'm fine actually so you can lay back do-" 

"Stop talking."

Seonghwa pushed Hongjoong on his back so he was hovering right over Hongjoong, his hands on either side of his head. Hongjoong knew for sure that his face had turned as red as a tomato but he sighed in relief thanks to the darkness. 

"Aish. Look at you. Your face is all red. And you're burning up. You sure you're not the one that's sick, Joongie." Seonghwa snorted and rolled off the bed walking over and out of the door.

Yeah... sick. I'll just let him think that I'm sick and not totally flustered from the close contact. Get yourself together Hongjoong.


Seonghwa spent the early morning hours tending to a very sick Hongjoong. 

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now