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Hi ghost readers.

Senior year

"Hongjoong. You have to help me do this. You know how much this means to me..."

Hongjoong sighed, not too happy about seeing Seonghwa get all dressed up to prom, to go with someone that was not him. And yeah, Hongjoong came to grips and accepted that he liked Seonghwa. To an unusual amount. He accepted the fact that he wouldn't be in Seonghwa's life the way he wanted to be.

"I can't help it, Seonghwa. You look gorgeous in everything so I don't think I have to keep saying it-"

Seonghwa groaned, then continued to babble and complain about how if Seowon didn't find him stunning then the entire prom thing would be for naught. Hongjoong struggled to hide his affection. I mean, there is only so much you can do to stop those hearts from glistening in his eyes.


"Hm?" The boy looked up, expectantly. He failed to hide his blush from their intense eye contact.

"You look amazing."


Hearing those words made Seonghwa's heart jump in excitement. His stomach was full of butterflies, but he shooed those butterflies along with his lingering feelings away. He couldn't let the feelings for Hongjoong surface again. No matter how strong they were, he would take them to the grave. How could Hongjoong ever like someone like me?

"Who are you taking to prom?" He didn't want to know.

"I'm not going."

"What do you mean you're not going to prom!"

Seonghwa muttered that Hongjoong had to go to prom, that it wasn't even a question. Maybe, he thought, that if he sulked then Hongjoong would change his mind.

"I'm jealous of Seowon..." Hongjoong 'tsks' and turns away slightly from Seonghwa's gaze, "I'd watch you waltz as you look lovingly into his eyes. Gross. I'll pass." A sad chuckle escapes Hongjoong, one that Seonghwa doesn't understand.

"Is my baby Hongjoong jealous that I got a date before him?" Seonghwa wiggles his eyebrows and playfully messes up Hongjoong's hair as light giggles escape him. The mere touch sent fireworks up Seonghwa's arm but again and again, he would ignore it.

About three hours later, Seonghwa was hugging Hongjoong, asking him to take pictures of him and Seowon which Hongjoong unhappily did.

"Take care of my best friend."

Seowon squeezed Seonghwa's hand, the slightest bit terrified over Hongjoong's statement. When they left, Hongjoong looked dejectedly at his phone. His phone hasn't rung once in the past five hours.

"Here goes nothing."


JiHoon smiled when he saw Hongjoong sitting in the same place they first became one. Didn't he know? Didn't he realize at that time that it wouldn't be Hongjoong professing his never-dying love to him? Did JiHoon really not know what to expect.

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now