𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶

397 21 4

Present || three months later

Seonghwa crept down to the kitchen as quiet as a mouse. Seowon wasn't home. Seonghwa thought his boyfriend could be doing anything right now. Cheating. Dinking. Being with someone else... loving someone else-

"God, Seonghwa stop it. I can't think like that."

He opened the fridge to find nothing. Lately, he hasn't had an appetite. Maybe it was because he was never hungry anymore, or that his stomach was just too bruised. Seonghwa shrugged and grabbed a soda from the fridge. It'll have to do for now.

Playing cartoons always cheered him up so he decided that it would be worth a try to turn something on to take his mind off of everything. Honestly, Seonghwa always wondered where it went wrong. He blamed himself, saying that he wasn't good enough and that's why Seowon hit him. The worst part of it all was that he was fine with thinking that.

But when the question of if he even loved Seowon anymore surfaced in his mind, it would be covered by the smiling face of Hongjoong. Always, it was like that. So again Seonghwa would believe it was his fault for loving another man. That's why he got hit, he supposed.

He was fine, you know, sipping his soda and watching cartoons. It was peaceful for him. He no longer answered the texts or calls from his worried mother and father, his boss from work calling to fire him, or the supportive members from ATEEZ that sometimes text him silly things. When he saw he had no messages from Hongjoong, he understood. Seonghwa was feeling at peace at that moment but all good things come to an end. So when he felt a hand grip his shoulder, he started to shake.

"Did you miss me?"

Seonghwa whipped his head to see Seowon who smelled of alcohol and slurred his words. The most dangerous version of Seowon.

"Yes. I did." He couldn't hide the stutter.

"Fucking liar!" 

Seowon threw the can of soda across the room. Seonghwa jumped but only stared at the blank wall behind Seowon. When Seowon raised his hand, ready to slap him, Seonghwa didn't cry. He didn't feel empty this time.

This time, Seonghwa felt anger. He didn't even care about the pain he would suffer later.

"Don't touch me!"

Seowon was taken aback. It made him furious.

"Don't talk back to me, Seonghwa. This is all your fault." He swung down hard on Seonghwa's pale face. The small male fell to the ground. A single tear escaped Seonghwa. For a moment, it seemed as if Seowon hesitated. A little error in his system.

Seonghwa brought his hands up to his cheek and with shaky breaths, he sputtered. "The next time you touch me you'll never see me again." Seowon's hand lowered and he raised his eyebrow in drunken confusion. "The next time you yell at me, I'll be gone."


"The next time you so much look at me in a fit of rage, I'll be a dead man."



❤Liked by Holysan, Hobisunpill, and  52,901 others

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Liked by Holysan, Hobisunpill, and  52,901 others.

Berryseonghwa: It's been a while, right? This won't be my last post. Maybe the next one will be. 

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BAM_BAM: You're glowing.

Woosunshine: ARE YOU, OKAY BABY??? 😢

Felix.go.deep: I'm worried but you look so stunning omg. 

Hansickle: The angels are singing rn

Yeonyjun: You look so tired, I hope you're getting rest. 🥺

Seonghwa_is_an_idiot: I thought he died. Guess I celebrated too early


"You think he saw it?"

Yunho is sitting on Yeosang's lap after a lot of complaining. Yeosang is in pain but still tries to answer the question.

"Probably not. You know how busy he is right now. He probably won't pick up a phone until after the fan meet."

Mingi walks in the room and lays on Yunho's lap. Now Yeosang has two heavy giants on top of him basically and he's practically dying. The rest of the members excluding Hongjoong funnel into the living room and talk about Seonghwa. They all believe something is wrong but of course, they don't know just how bad it is.

But oh boy is it bad.


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