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// Sometime before high school

Hongjoong waited patiently outside of his third period for his best friend. Looking at the time, he 'hmpfs' seeing that his friend, Ji-Hoon, is late once again. Out of pure boredom, Hongjoong starts to think of all the ways he can tell his friend off, but is cut short when he finally appears.

Getting a hard smack on the back of his head, Ji-Hoon starts to apologize teasingly.

"I am so sorry, but my friend was being annoying and now I'm late. Again." He whispers the last part quietly and fakes a pout and a few non-convincing sniffles which gains an eye roll from Hongjoong.

"Next time at least try to make it on time. Tomorrow is the last day of school and there's no way I'm gonna be standing here alone while everyone else throws their school papers in the air happily."

The rambling went on and on and soon the two boys burst into laughter. Every once in a while, Hongjoong would steal sneaky glances of Ji-Hoon. It was also the other way around as Ji-Hoon would smile fondly at his best friend when he wasn't looking.

The two were waiting on another boy from their classes. More so Ji-Hoon's friend than Hongjoong. After a few minutes of waiting, the boy, named Seowon, approached them, a smile appearing on his lips.

Seowon said a quick 'hello' to Hongjoong and side hugged Ji-Hoon. Together, the three boys walked each other home laughing about childish nothings. All three of them were known as the three musketeers as they were always seen with each other during classes, in between breaks, and even outside of school. They were known to be unbreakable.


After school ended, Seowon said his goodbyes as he was going on a family trip to America. Ji-Hoon was of course jealous as he always wanted to go to New York but peacefully said his goodbyes without any complaints.

Hongjoong saw this as an opportunity to confess his true feelings. After all whenever he was around Ji-Hoon, his face would light up and his heart would beat a mile a minute. He knew he could no longer contain these butterflies...

The two decided to go to a park blossoming with flowers and bumblebees and butterflies and happy couples all around. Ji-Hoon knew what was coming and was struggling, for lack of better words, to contain his excitement. However, the moment for him held a bittersweet aftertaste.

The boys found themselves under a vibrant cherry blossom tree. Their excitement the same. Their gazes held the same emotions. Hongjoong slowly turned to face Ji-Hoon, only looking away two seconds later too embarrassed to hold such intense eye contact.

He played with his fingers and Ji-Hoon stared at him with expectant eyes, those eyes shining.

Just say it Hongjoong. Get a hold of yourself. One. Two. Three. Go!

"Alright! Ji-Hoon. I have a crush on you. I mean. I like you! I really like you. More than a friend I guess..."

Ji-Hoon stared blankly at Hongjoong for a moment. Hongjoong cursed himself thinking, And he doesn't like me.

When Ji-Hoon fell into a fit of giggles, Hongjoong stared at him in shock.

"Why are you laughing? I'm being serious."

"I know. I like you too, Hongjoong." Ji-Hoon finally registered that they did it.

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now