𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦

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After much convincing, or more specifically begging for Seonghwa's forgiveness, Seonghwa was now living with ATEEZ. Hongjoong couldn't stand the thought of having Seonghwa go back to his home so he came up with the idea. 


"Please, Seonghwa just hear me out. I know you're upset because I haven't talked to you for two weeks and I'm sure you were worried about me-"

"Worried? I was hungry and you didn't feed me. That's the only reason why I was so mad." 

Hongjoong snorted with a great deal of sass, exhaling deeply. His face became taut as he plastered a fake smile on his lips upon seeing Seonghwa glaring at him with arms crossed over his chest.

"Stay here with us for a while. A long while."

"As long as there's food then I'll stay. As long as you'll treat me like I exist then yes. I'll stay."


Thinking back to that moment, Hongjoong remembered the soft expression on Seonghwa's face.  Sure, his statement about getting free food was a joke -he'd hoped, but the last part made his heart pound rapidly. 

So now it was settled and Seonghwa was officially living with Hongjoong and the rest of ATEEZ. To say that Seonghwa freaked out constantly was an understatement. Every time one of the members would start a conversation, he'd start sweating droplets as big as hail. The members, of course, thought Seonghwa was the cutest little thing ever despite him being older than everyone in the house. 

It was nearly midnight when Wooyoung gathered everyone around. 

"Let's play a game?"

Yunho's back straightened to attention as soon as he heard the word 'game'.

"Let's play Truth or Dare." 

All eyes were spot on the idiot who recommended that game. That "idiot" was Mingi himself who while trying to focus on each eye ball, starting turning cross-eyed.

"Well, I'm in." Seonghwa shyly raised his head to the members, blinking his eyes rapidly. 

Hongjoong stood from his position on the floor and moved to the couch. "I'm gonna watch."

"Party pooper." 

"Since we're adults, let's make this more fun..." Yeosang made a ruckus in the kitchen, shuffling through the cabinets until he held up two bottles of Vodka.

"Wait that's mi-" San cut off their leader with his hand, shaking his head and smiling wickedly. 

Hongjoong knew where this would go. His members knew his deepest secret so what makes him think he'd be lucky enough for them to not use that against him. Well, there was his 'biggest secret' sitting cluelessly at the card table, legs crossed, arms sat in a rather cute way in his lap.

Yep. I'm screwed. 


Hongjoong pov

I know my best friend like the back of my hand so I know how terrible he is with alcohol. I'm still confused on the fact that he'd even agreed to drink when he'd lectured me about how "drinking will kill your insides." Hah! 

That's why the moment I saw him swaying back and forth in his chair, when I heard the way his speech became slurred and unclear, and the way he shot shameful winks at the members, I knew that I was screwed in every way. He'd probably say something stupid.

No. He will say something stupid. 

"Truth or dare, Seonghwa?"

He held his finger in front of his face, trying to focus his eyes on absolutely anything and giggled. I watched the way his eyes went cross-eyed as a small burp escaped him. It was cute, I won't deny it. Seonghwa is cute.

"Humm~ I'll pick trufth!"

Jongho, the maknae, grinned at pinched Seonghwa's cheeks. It took every amount of discipline I had to not walk over to him, chop off his finger, and shove it in his nose.

"Aw. You're so cute. Okay then," he placed his finger on his chin, thinking about what to ask. I scoffed inwardly. There was a strong chance that he already knew what he was going to ask and my theory was proven right by the way he looked right in my eyes, smiling devilishly. 

"Look around the room, okay?" Seonghwa nodded and turned his head to meet the gaze of everyone. Including me. I felt my my heart do a thing. (I know what that thing was so you don't have to yell at me.) "Who would you most like to kiss in this room."

"Ah! Ah! I have another one. Seonghwa, you have to answer both okay?" Yunho clapped his hands enthusiastically while Seonghwa just nodded drunkenly. "What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?"

It took a long minute before the questions registered in Seonghwa's intoxicated mind as proven by the way Seonghwa let out a dramatic gasp, covering his mouth. 

His head lowered down but I could still see the hints of a smirk on the corners of his mouth. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity. Everyone was silent. San and Woo (of course) were staring at me expectantly, but I kept a poker face. The silence was torturesome for me.

Seonghwa's voice was still slurred and hazy, but no one could mistake the words he said.

"For number one...- question number one, maybe Hong- Wooyoung." 

A laugh somewhere between a chuckle and giggle escaped loosely through his lips. For the next question, we locked eyes. If I could tell you what I saw in those eyes, I'd need the tongue of a poet. In those eyes I saw the same thing my eyes shined whenever I lied eyes upon Seonghwa. You're just imagining things. He's drunk.

"For number two... I think...think It was when I became-" A giggle. "Turned on thinking about.. about my best friend"

Mingi nudged Seonghwa's shoulder. "Who's your best friend?"

Too late. I watched as Seonghwa's mind and body all clocked out of work because his head fell face first onto the table. Small snores emitted from him, signaling that it was lights out."

I knew for sure that I'd be getting no sleep for a while.


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