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Summer break // Freshman year

Ji-Hoon lies on Hongjoong's lap as he scrolls on instagram, showing his boyfriend anything funny that comes up. Currently the couple was in the room of Hongjoong's as his parents were out on a "business" trip. Hongjoong knew better. He knew that his parents were probably at couple's therapy working to figure out how they could split up. Even though this plagued his mind, he let it go since he wanted to enjoy Ji-Hoon's presence. 

Ji-Hoon must have noticed that Hongjoong was spacing out and very suddenly decided to bite his thigh. Jumping up in surprise, Hongjoong instinctively lightly slapped Ji-Hoon on the cheek. 

"Ow! Why'd you do that?" Ji-Hoon sulked, rubbing his cheek.

"I mean you did just bite me. Hm? And what was that for?"

Ji-Hoon nods in thought, snuggling deeper into Hongjoong's embrace. Secretly, Ji-Hoon was thinking about how it would be once they got to their sophomore year in school. Will they have time to hang out with each other? Will they even be together? Humming, he willed these thoughts away since he knew that Hongjoong wouldn't change his mind. His feelings wouldn't change unless there was a reason. "I'm just thinking about us. About school." 

Hongjoong was in the middle of stroking Ji-Hoon's forehead but stopped when the word 'us' was brought up. That word now worried Hongjoong. He gulped, the sensation feeling forced and uncomfortable. His fingers began to stiffen but he decided that reassuring Ji-Hoon was the best option.

"We're gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be fine."

Still, after hearing those words come out of his mouth, Hongjoong couldn't tell if he was reassuring Ji-Hoon or if those were words for himself.

A loud ringing noise came muffled from under the covers and the two scrambled to find the source. It ended up being Ji-Hoon's phone and sensing that their time together would be cut short he plastered an apologetic smile towards Hongjoong.

After his boyfriend left, Hongjoong didn't feel anything. He looked at the door not with longing for Ji-Hoon but an empty hollowness. To him, it felt as if the two were just friends hanging out. He knew it wasn't normal. He knew these missing feelings were going to lead to a dangerous conversation.

Pushing himself off the bed, Hongjoong grabbed his phone and opened his instagram. The first post he saw made the corners of his lips quirk up. It was Seonghwa's. He posted about how happy he was to see new food items on the menu of his favorite restaurant. 

"You really like to eat huh." Hongjoong whispered to himself in awe of his friend.

Seonghwa was away for the summer so naturally it bummed Hongjoong out. And with Ji-Hoon leaving in the middle of their hangouts all the time just annoyed and frustrated him. But with the hope of sophomore year arriving soon, Hongjoong couldn't help but smile.


Seonghwa gazed in excitement at his schedule. The morning before, he and Hongjoong compared schedules and saw that most of their classes were the same. The only class they din't have together was history. So when Seonghwa walked into his first period, history, his expression became that of annoyance, sighs of grief escaped from him as he sat down in the back of the classroom. It was about 5 minutes before the bell would ring, making Seonghwa early. Earlier than the teacher too. 

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now