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This is not checked for errors bc I'm lazy :(

After leaving the library together, Seonghwa found himself ranting about the rude cashier working at the sandwich booth. 

"I mean, did you see how she was looking at me?" he scoffed, "What the heck did I do to her!"

Hongjoong stared at him blankly before chuckling heartily at Seonghwa's small fit.

"I think she was probably jealous. You look way better than her you know."

Seonghwa nearly tripped on a rock at that remark and couldn't help but awkwardly shuffle forwards. "I don't think your eyes are exactly 20/20. She was beautiful and besides can you even compare us...?"

Hongjoong thought about this and assumed that Seonghwa wanted a real thought out response but him loving the way Seonghwa reacted to his teasing wouldn't give him that. He stopped and stood right in front of Seonghwa, so close that their noses were almost touching, smiled and said, "You're more beautiful." 

Eyes widening, Seonghwa began to speak, only to stumble over his words out of embarrassment. The two parted ways for their next few classes and even exchanged numbers which was Seonghwa's idea. 


I couldn't believe I got his number.

Actually, I can't believe I fell for him already. It's the freaking 4th week of school. I can't fall for anybody this quick! Still, as if betraying me, my mind starts to linger to those moments we were together. The way we were so close. So close we could have kissed.

I kick my legs upwards and scream into my pillows in a mixture of embarrassment but also excitement. It is enough to get my dad's attention as when I look up, he's staring at me from my bedroom door.

"Dad! Uh. Nothing's happening so you can just continue walking." I can't help but smile and my legs move on their own accord as I run up to give my dad a hug. It's random and I think he sense it the way he tenses, shortly after though he's embracing me in a hug as well.

I feel protected and safe in his arms. My heart starts to race as I look up to my dad's eyes.

"I have to tell you and mom something."

His eyebrows raise and he hums, "Alright then. I'll call her in here."


Currently, my parents are staring at me wide eyed. They look to each other, to me, back to each other, then back to me. I'm nervous and clearly shaking, anticipating the worst. After a few minutes of their shock and my radio silence, my mother starts to cry. And I mean, this woman is full on sobbing as if she's standing at my own grave.

"Mom! Why are you crying?"

Snotty nosed, she stutters, "It's just that- your father and I had a feeling since you were little." She blows into a tissue, wipes her eyes and continues. "But we never thought you'd tell us. Our baby boy is all grown up!"

My father looks fondly at my mother and smiles awkwardly at me.

"What she's trying to say son, is that we love you no matter what and we'll always protect you."

Soon, I start to feel my own tears start to fall and soon enough, the three of us are embracing each other in laughs and cries. At that moment I'm grateful to have my parents. Such loving and caring ones at that. I don't know why I'm thinking about him at this moment, but I want to tell Hongjoong.

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now