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Sophomore year//

Seonghwa stood in the mirror that was in Hongjoong's bedroom. He picked with his hair, examined his clothes, and finally smiled, satisfied. Hongjoong, having no idea what was going on, tilted his head to the side to get a better look. 

"What are you staring so intimately in the mirror for?" Hongjoong questioned, scratching his head.

Seonghwa turned around, playing with the hem of his clothes seemingly nervous.

"Hongjoong, do you know someone named Seowon?" Immediately after asking that question, Seonghwa felt like an idiot. Of course he knew of Seowon. Hongjoong nodded but still continued to read his novel played open on the bed. "Is he nice?"

Hongjoong groaned but still looked up to Seonghwa with a delicate gaze, the older boy's eyes wide open, mouth in a pout. "Do you think I'm some spy? How would I know?" Hongjoong knew that every word he just said was a lie. Except for the spy part, of course. "I don't talk to him that much... but you should just act like he doesn't exist in my opinion."

Seonghwa didn't really understand how Hongjoong didn't know much about Seowon. Weren't they friends? As if hearing his thoughts, Hongjoong answered. 

"We aren't friends. Just knew each other casually. Why do you ask?"

Seonghwa bit his lip. Hongjoong gulped. 

"He asked me out a few days ago..."

"What!" Hongjoong nearly fell off the side of his bed. He ended up losing the page in his book but that didn't seem to matter to him at the moment. The news made him feel weird. It made him feel nauseous, sick even. "He asked you out? Seriously?"

Nodding, Seonghwa's smile was beaming. A little too bright for Hongjoong, who felt like his head was swirling. Why did it feel like this was the end of the world for him? Seonghwa was dating someone. So what? He didn't care. 

I'm already dating Ji-Hoon. He confirmed this with himself, nodding as if it was still something undecided.

Scoffing, Hongjoong's eyes closed tightly. His eyebrows knitted together intensely. "Why would he want to date you? Jeez, I feel bad for him-" Hongjoong squinted one eye at Seonghwa who's jaw dropped. He had to force back a snort threatening to escape his lips. After a moment, a sharp 'ow!' sounded probably from Hongjoong as Seonghwa smacked Hongjoong's arm.

"You're so mean to everyone! Especially me!" Seonghwa let out a small 'humph' sound, crossing his arms and slamming his foot on the ground childishly. If you looked close enough, you could even see smoke coming from his ears.

In a full fit of laughter, Hongjoong clutched at his stomach and talked in between stutters, "Aw~" he coos, "Seonghwa, I can't look at you, let alone talk to you without teasing you. It's fun." 

Soon, a small feeble smile starts to crack onto Seonghwa's pouty expression.

"Plus, it's not that I'm mean. You're just too nice, Seonghwa."

Hongjoong threw himself playfully on Seonghwa, engulfing him in a crushing hug, fake crying and fake apologizing. It worked and the two yet again, were being their laughing, joking selves.


Ji-Hoon stood idly in the corner of Seowon's house as he joked with his other friends. Ji-Hoon always felt like an outsider in his group of friends. Still, Seowon would insist that he hung out with them reassuring Ji-Hoon that 'it would get him out of his shell'. Even though Ji-Hoon knew his friend was just looking out for him, it always made him feel like a sucky friend... and boyfriend at that.

A bottle of beer was launched at the wall near Ji-Hoon's head, startling him. He stared daggers into the boy that did it but still never said a word. Seowon cursed out his friend whose name was Beomgyu. He mouths a 'sorry' in Ji-Hoon's direction and is forgiven with the nod.

Ji-Hoon couldn't help but think about Hongjoong. He knew that he didn't deserve him. The guilt that Ji-Hoon had built up over all the times he had to leave when they were hanging out hovers over him like a thunder cloud. It weighs him down. Before he could think deeper about the difficult situation he'd have to make, he was nudged by Seowon.

"I gotta tell you something, man." Seowon lowered his vape and laid his head against the wall. Ji-Hoon craned his neck to face him and signaled him to go on. "So I like this boy," he continues, "and I asked him out."

"EH?" Ji-Hoon yelled, slapping his friend's shoulder from excitement. "This fuckboy of a man actually likes someone?"

"Well first of all, I was never a fuckboy. I only had sex once." As if remembering a bad memory, Seowon shudders. "It was not good. He said yes but now I'm scared shitless. I've never dated someone like him. He's so... fragile?" 

"I'm proud, and happy for you. You gotta treat him nice though, or else I'll kill you. He seems like a very nice boy. And you better not want to just have sex with him either."

Seowon fakes disgust and playfully pushes his friend. "He's too young. I don't wanna hurt him." Seowon wiggles his eyebrows and smirks, "Maybe when he's a senior."

The two laugh and finally, Ji-Hoon breaks out of shell, just enough.


Seowon sat at the two person table, leg bouncing up and down in anticipation. He didn't know why he was so nervous especially when it came to Seonghwa. I mean it's not like he's overbearingly hot. Quite the opposite really. Seowon thought Seonghwa was overbearingly cute. At the moment, Seowon was waiting for Seonghwa at the movie theatre. They agreed to watch a horror movie which Seowon knew Seonghwa was terrified of.

When Seonghwa finally arrived, he was dressed in a baby blue hoodie that looked at least two sizes too big and black skinny jeans with rips in them. His shoes, which Seowon thought was the cutest of all, had cute little animals on them. Seonghwa waved, a bright smile shining on his beautiful face.

Seowon was shocked as he felt warmth around his waist. He looked down, wide eyed, to see that Seonghwa had his arms wrapped sung around him.

Letting out a wispy laugh Seowon hugged the younger boy back. "Did you miss me that much?"

Seonghwa laughs. Seowon is convinced that his laugh could cheer up anybody that heard it. "I'm clingy in general... so yes."

"Let's go get popcorn or something before the movie starts."

Seonghwa lets out a small 'eek' sound, remembering that they were here to see a horror movie. He clung onto Seowon's arm tighter to which the older smiles, amused.

When the two were seated in the theater and the lights went dark, Seonghwa did everything he could to obscure his vision. "You did this on purpose didn't you." He whispered. Seowon kissed the younger's forehead before whispering back in a husky tone, 

"Don't worry. I'm right here."

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now