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song_jun: Bro I literally can't stand these gay fagg*ts 😬🤮 they make me want to throw up. Send the message to them; GO KILL YOURSELF

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oh.rang: Anyone? 🙄🙋‍♀️ So disgusting please just disappear smh

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song_jun: Seriously tho 😂 #ateezkys

opan: him especially makes me want to shoot myself. #ateezkys

sheeaaa: Why are you all being so mean?? What did he do to you???

rita_onnie: He exists. And he's gay. It makes me want to fucking kill myself. I hope ateez disband 😁 #ateezkys

blinkssuperior: Yesss I hate them so much 🙄 DIEEEE

Ateezsucksxl: you can't be ugly AND gay 😶 pick a struggle pls

nanahj: Where can I sign??? #ateezkys


I didn't leave the earth because of what you said about me,

I left because I didn't have the strength

to tell myself that  everything you said wasn't true



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Berryseonghwa: I won't point fingers but @song_jun and @oh.rang are so funny to me. To be honest, I thought I was in a circus when reading their comments 😭 Sometimes I'd just like to see from their point of view... but i'll never get my head as far up my ass as they do 🙄. Just stop- you still live with your parents, are probably in the 6th grade, and still have a bed time at 7:30 😦. Stop trying to make yourself feel better, get your head out your ass and get a life. I hear they are cheap on ebay. 😃👍

ps. I love you 
@™️joonglet, @Fixon_me@Yeo_so_done@Cutest_makne_jongho@Yun_hoe@Holysan, and  @Woosunshine 😘

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Cutiel: POP OFFF 💅

Tannie.bone: I think this belongs to you: 👑✨

Hansickle: This is why I love him 😭

NotbabyBomgyu: bullies have been reduced to mere dust particles. 😳

Felix.go.deep: 💀watch them stay quiet now.

BAM_BAM: This is why you should just stan Seonghwa everyone 🤝

Cutie.sexy.lovely: imagine being homophobic in 2021 🤡 could never be me.


you make me smile.

every. single. day.

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