𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘥

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Currently, Wooyoung was lying in San's lap in tears. The other members were sitting around him, trying to provide moral support. Trying.

Yunho slapped his face with both hands, groaning loudly. 

"Wooyoung, please, please, please. Stop crying. I'm hearing a constant ringing in my ear."

"But...but why don't th..they like me just because...cuz I'm gay." He sniffed," What did me and-and San do to them. It makes me so-" Before he could finish that sentence, Wooyoung combusted into a balling fit as he hid his face deeper in San's side.

Seonghwa shot Yunho a mean glare causing him to give Seonghwa a 'It's super annoying.' look. 

"Woo. There's nothing wrong with you. They are just stupid idiots that are very sad. On the other side you're gorgeous, talented, and the most angelic person I've ever met."

With widened, teary eyes, Wooyoung nodded his head as a relieved smile formed on his lips. Just as fast as he had his crying fit, Wooyoung was fast asleep being cuddled by San.

Something felt so strange. Seonghwa couldn't help but feel as if there were eyes trained on him. He regretted his decision as soon as he turned his head. A few feet behind him stood Hongjoong, a focused gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Seonghwa mouthed as he simultaneously attempted to mask his flustered state. His emotions only getting harder to mask when he got dragged into a separate room.


Seonghwa couldn't get any words to form because he was pulled into a tight hug by the younger. Something about the hug made Seonghwa's heart pound, and not in the wholesome 'Giving my bestie a friend' way. It could have been the way Hongjoong's breaths were fast, and the warmth flooded Seonghwa's ears. Could it have been the way their bodies were so close together a piece of paper couldn't get between them? Hongjoong's hands rested on Seonghwa's lower waist stubbornly and unmoving. . .

"Hongjoong. What are you doing now?" What Seonghwa was feeling on the inside manifested on the outside: panic. He stuttered slightly and his legs felt weak but he managed to maintain eye contact with Hongjoong. 

Hongjoong's gaze was filled with a desire that Seonghwa had never seen before. And when Hongjoong spoke, his tone was low and shaky.

"You're just so pretty, Seonghwa. I want to do something I know I'll regret later. And then you look at me with those confused innocent eyes. It drives me crazy."

Seonghwa's eyes became prickled with tears, but he wouldn't allow them to fall.

Again a moment like this. A moment where they both felt the same emotion. When they're both so afraid of their own feelings for each other.

"What are you talking a-about? Are you sick...again?"

"How could I get sick when you took amazing care of me?"

"Stop playing with me!" When Seonghwa tried to pry the younger's arms off of him, Hongjoong only brought him closer to his chest. 

"Can we stay like this? You can yell at me later. I want you to hold me, Seonghwa, because you make me feel so damn safe." At this point, Seonghwa could hear the strain in his friend's voice. "I wish things were different so then maybe we could be together..."

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now