𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭

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One day after the incident

After the incident, Hongjoong takes Seonghwa back to the dorms. There was no way he was letting him stay with Seowon after everything that has happened. Hongjoong was a bit worried after Seonghwa passed out and did not wake up. "It's just the exhaustion," Wooyoung told him which eased that anxiety.

Hongjoong had not left Seonghwa's side, instead laying next to him in bed, holding him ever-so-slightly. He observed every mark on the man's face.

"Where was I when you were going through all of that.."

At that moment, Seonghwa's eyes started to flutter open and he started coming back to reality. When his eyes fell upon Hongjoong, he smiled weakly despite himself. "Hongjoong," he whispered, his voice sounding broken. He slowly tried to move, wincing in pain as he did. Hongjoong noticed this and helped him up.

Seonghwa stared right into his eyes. However, Hongjoong could not return it.

"Hongjoong, look at me." He cupped Hongjoong's face in his soft hands, turning him to face each other. "What's the matter."

Hongjoong chuckles half-heartedly. "You were the one hurting but you're asking me what's wrong." He tore away his eyes. "Sometimes you're too nice for your own good."

"Okay." Seonghwa stopped talking and thought. "You're right. I was in pain and I was fucking hurting. Every day I thought about ending it because it was too much. I hated everything about myself." His voice became unstable but he forced himself to be strong. "But not once did I ever stop thinking about you and I won't stop now. How selfish would I be to not ask you about your feelings..."

"Because I know you were in every bit of hell as I was." Seonghwa planted a kiss on Hongjoong's cheek and brought him into a hug.

The two lay together, apologizing relentlessly, hating themselves, laughing, and joking about everything and nothing important. Their hands were intertwined without knowing how they got there and they were pressed together as if this were the last time they'd see each other.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" The words felt weird on Hongjoong's tongue. He laughed awkwardly. 

Seonghwa's head jolted up in surpise. 

"You want me to be your b-boyfriend?" His eyes widened. Hongjoong melted at that look. No, he freaking evaporated.

"I've wanted to ask you that for years."

That word sent chills down Seonghwa's spine. We've known each other for so long. He thought. For a second, an image of Seowon had come across his mind causing his expression to grow dark, but he quickly brushed it away.

"Yes. I'll be your boyfriend." Seonghwa looked away shyly, his grip around Hongjoong's hand tightened. The other male's expression brightened as if he were a kid getting the gift he wanted on Christmas day.

"That means we can do all the things boyfriends do." Hongjoong smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. He missed teasing Seonghwa.

Seonghwa's face flushed red and he hit Hongjoong's chest hard. He mumbled, you still like teasing me.

Oh yeah. Hongjoong missed this.

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now