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Berryseonghwa: 🙂🙁

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Currently, Seonghwa was studying the wall in front of him intently while waiting for someone to call. Finally, after a week, Seowon had left the house to do god knows what. Probably cheat and drink with other people. This was not something new, only the abuse was, so Seonghwa was not surprised by how many days he would be gone.

Honestly, it helped Seonghwa relax.

Lately, he's been distant from everyone he knows. When his mother called, she had been worried, and rightfully so (her son hasn't contacted her in weeks). Seonghwa dismissed any doubts and said those two words. Two words that were so easy to say but, they were lies all the same.

I'm fine.

Having her endless suspicions, she brought up Seowon. The first-day Seonghwa introduced him to his mother, she expressed her disapproval. Of course, she couldn't say no to her son, who at that time looked so delighted to be dating someone as attractive as Seowon. You could say Seonghwa was drunk in what he thought was love.

Tears began to idly slip down his face as he recalled the phone call with his mother. The tears didn't cease but gradually became louder as he imagined himself cuddling in his mother's embrace as she rubbed calming circles on his back. "Everything will be alright, Seonghwa. My beautiful son." Instead, he lay alone on the bed he used to share with the man Seonghwa "loved" Deep down, he knew what he felt those years ago wasn't love. It was a stupid boy that wanted to grow up too fast.

His tears stood still as he was shaken by a loud ding sound coming from somewhere near his head. He shuffled through the bed sheets before picking up his phone with shaky hands. His eyes went ample as he saw the message on the screen:


Seonghwaaa :(((

Read 8:21 pm

Park Seonghwa.
I know you see this

What? I was going to say something. Y
are u always so impachint??

And I know you. And the Seonghwa I know is really shy
even though we've known each other for
10 years

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now