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Hongjoong had to massage his arm a few times from the way Seonghwa was excitedly swinging it all over the place. If there was anything Seonghwa cherished more than children, it was bright lights, food stalls, rides, and a whole lotta stuffed animals to win. Ever since he was a child, he was always captivated by carnivals, fairs, and amusement parks. With no arguments, Hongjoong would take him to every fair that would pop up in their town.

"Can we do that first? Maybe I can win that stuffed unicorn! Hongjoong, please can we get food. I'm worried I might starve." His ramblings went on and on without a moment to breathe. Hongjoong laughed aloud while glancing secretly at Seonghwa. Upon noticing his staring, though, he shook his head and focused on the way less intriguing fairgrounds.

"How about we get a corndog. Didn't you say you were hungry? We are going to be here all night, so don't worry, you won't miss a thing." Hongjoong paused for a second before a grin appeared on his face. He stuck out his tongue at Seonghwa. "Don't be so childish."

Right away, Seonghwa's smile dropped, and he rolled his eyes playfully, shoving Hongjoong's head firmly to the side. "Stop acting like a parent and let me have fun." A playful pout formed on Seonghwa's face causing Hongjoong to roll his head backward, letting out a small 'ugh fine.'


A few hours had passed. The two had finished nearly every game, ride, and been to every food stall there was. While Seonghwa definitely had enough energy to go on every ride a second time, Hongjoong was complaining that his legs had become numb.

Being the kind soul he is, Seonghwa listened to his best friend's complaints, taking his feelings into consideration. So now the two were walking through the fairgrounds, admiring how beautiful the night sky looked. Suddenly the silence was broken by a small, quiet voice.

"Thank you for coming here and dealing with my childishness."

Hongjoong couldn't form words at the moment, so he settled on awkwardly patting Seonghwa's shoulder.

The midnight hours were the pairs' favorite time of the day. The time when everyone was asleep so you could just do you. Seonghwa listened intently to the grasshoppers and insects chirping in the bushes, almost like they were singing a song only they could understand. The gravel crunching under both their feet echoed in Seonghwa's ears. Soon their footsteps became concurrent, as one. Seonghwa enjoyed the sensation of the breeze hitting his face softly as if the wind was blowing kisses on all the scars he's endured.

"Seonghwa. I didn't want to ask, but is everything okay? You know with Seowon?" Hongjoong avoided eye contact due to the uncomfortably he gained while asking that question.

Suddenly, the pair's footsteps became uneven. Eventually, Seonghwa stopped walking together and stood stiffly. His breathing became harsh as if he was trying to grasp for air. A hand was placed on his back, rubbing up and down slowly. Hongjoong had brought a teary-eyed Seonghwa to his chest. Seonghwa looked so tiny in Hongjoong's arms despite being taller than him. Hongjoong hummed and shushed Seonghwa softly in an attempt to calm the man down.

"You can talk to me, you know that, Seonghwa. Don't think I didn't notice something weird when I visited you that night. So please, tell me what's going on. Did he do something-"

The sound of an extra pair of footsteps interrupted him mid-sentence. Upon hearing the voice, Hongjoong shut his eyes, letting out a deep breath.

"Well, well, well. I didn't know you would be here, Hongjoong." Seowon sounded calm as he hadn't yet realized that Seonghwa was the one he was holding. Seowon tilted his head to the side, his eyebrow quirking up in irritation. His voice became deep, his expression darker, as he spoke, "Seonghwa, baby. Is that you? You didn't tell me you would be here either."

Hongjoong signaled Seonghwa to stand behind him as Seowon stepped dangerously closer. The anger could be seen as clear as day in his eyes. "He's tired, bro. I'll drive him home if that's fine with you."

"Tired my ass. Come here, Seonghwa. We're going home."

Instead of moving, Seonghwa's grip on Hongjoong's arm became tighter, and whimpers escaped his lips. Even if someone tried knocking him down at full speed, he'd still be hanging on to Hongjoong. That's how hard Seonghwa's grip was. His grip was stubborn and unmoving. "I- I'm going with H-Hongjoong. It's o-okay."

Hongjoong could feel Seonghwa's body shaking violently against his. This isn't normal, he thought to himself. He heard Seonghwa's hushed voice muffled by sobs in his ear.

I'm so scared. D-Don't make me go with h-him.

Seowon had enough of whatever was happening between the two and pushed Hongjoong to the ground forcefully. Hongjoong hit his head on the side of a rock that was lying on the ground. Seowon wasted no time in taking hold of his boyfriend's arm, dragging him away from Hongjoong. Hongjoong's vision became blurry, but he couldn't mistake the look of absolute fear in Seonghwa's face as his free arm reached out to him. The last thing Hongjoong heard was Seonghwa's desperate pleas for escape. 


"So, care to tell me why you were with him?" Seowon could've had venom spewing from his mouth as his tone was harsh. He clenched his fists until his fingernails dug into his skin. "Don't you fucking lie to me either, Seonghwa, because I will beat the shit out of you right now."

All Seonghwa could do was sit on the bed frozen. He knew that anything he said wouldn't benefit him, so he chose that saying nothing would be better. He was wrong.

The pain from the first slap couldn't register until Seowon hit him the second time. The stinging sensation felt on Seonghwa's cheek grew into a numbness. His tears fell quietly over the newly made bruises. Seonghwa waited an hour later when Seowon had finished assaulting him to finally let out his screams of grief. His sobs made a violent hack hack hack sound as he couldn't get enough air to his lungs.

He squeezed his stomach tightly. Blood started dripping from places unknown to Seonghwa. Seonghwa felt as if he had jumped from a building to end all of his sufferings, only to realize that he hadn't died. Now he has to deal with the excruciating pain that came with the fall. However, Seonghwa couldn't do it anymore. He realized that as long as he was in this house, the abuse would never stop. He grabbed his phone, eyes becoming fixed on the scars on his arms.

He pressed on a contact and pressed the 'call' option.

He waited

Seonghwa waited for what felt like long hours,

But in reality it only took one ring for the person to pick up.

Upon hearing the man's voice, Seonghwa broke down.

HJ: It's okay Seonghwa. I'm already on my way. Just stay on the phone for me, alright? I'll be there soon.

Because You're My First Love // seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now