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?? The author has something to say:

?? Let’s talk about the realm settings of this world: Qi training, foundation building, consecration, golden core, Yuan Ying, distraction, combination, Mahayana, transcendence, and ascension. Each realm is divided into first entry, comprehension, Three small realms of Dzogchen.

??Thank you little cuties, please leave a message and favorite!

?? Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-03-2620:49:13~2021-03-2717:21:14~

?? Thanks to the little angel who threw the shallow water bomb: 1 WDDW;

?? Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: shining starry sky, 48441718, 1 bald rose;

?? Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Mu Miao 5 bottles;

?? "Okay, you can live here." Tianming casually led Song Zhixia to a house. The house was simple and simple, with only a table and a few chairs. The bed was a big bunk where several people slept together. Three people have already lived in this house, and Song Zhixia is four people.

?? "Senior Brother Tianming, don't worry, we must take good care of the younger sister." Xin Yun said with a smile, she is the oldest in this room, and the other two people usually look forward to her.

?? Tianming nodded indifferently and went out.

?? "Hey, isn't this the daughter of the head? How come you are with us outside disciples? Hey, maybe the head doesn't want to recognize you at all." Han Bing stared at Song Zhixia mockingly and said, good thing If you don’t go out, bad things will spread for thousands of miles.

?? Song Zhixia just glanced at Han Bing and didn't speak.

?? "Ha, your mouth is quite hard, see if you are hard or not later, first go to pick up water, fill all the water tanks in the yard, if you don't fill it up, you won't have your food to eat at night, Miss Qianjin. "Han Bing said mockingly.

?? Song Zhixia turned around and walked out of the room. There were at least two dozen water tanks in the outer courtyard. Song Zhixia picked up a pole on the side and walked towards the river.

?? On the other hand, after Song Weizhi returned to the room, the mechanical sound of the system immediately appeared in his mind: "Congratulations to the host for getting 10 points, the current number of points is 10, you can open the blind box to draw once."

?? "Blind box, is it possible to get anything? Is it possible to get the kind of genius treasure in Long Aotian's novels?" Song Weizhi immediately asked his question.

?? "Yes, the host, points can be used to draw blind boxes, can also be used to redeem items in the system mall." With the sound of the system sound, Song Weizhi immediately appeared in front of rows of system products, there are Pills, exercises, talisman, and even the subordinates for driving, modern wooden warehouse weapons, in short, everything you can think of is included in the mall.

?? Song Weizhi took a closer look. Those geniuses and treasures were expensive and scary, and blind boxes were cheaper, but Song Weizhi's past experience of non-chiefs still held back.

?? "Then my ten points, do you have any recommendations for me to buy?" Song Weizhi arrived at the beginning and asked the system's opinions.

?? "I recommend that the host purchase Ronghui Tongtong Pill, which can help the host immediately integrate and penetrate the original main power method." The system introduced it with a mechanical sound.

?? Song Weizhi thought for a while. This is really useful. Everything in the world of cultivating immortals is respected by the strong. Now the first thing is to master the techniques of the original body society, so as not to recognize the mermaid meat, so he clicked on the exchange. .

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