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? Song Zhixia raised her eyes and glanced at Song Weizhi. Seeing that Song Weizhi's expression was calm, she knew that Song Weizhi was thinking about his own safety, so she was no longer embarrassed. She stepped back and put her coat in the tub, and put it in the tub. Soaked in the warm water of Lingquan, Song Zhixia felt relieved both physically and mentally.

?? "Chih Xia, are you ready? Let's start when we are ready. It takes three hours to refine the spiritual roots. The pain you feel will deepen over time. If you really can't help it anymore. Just call me." Song Weizhi carefully ordered.

?? "Okay, Senior Sister, I'm ready, let's start." Song Zhixia took a deep breath and said to Song Weizhi.

?? Song Weizhi nodded with frowned brows, and handed the pill to Song Zhixia's lips. Song Zhixia was also very nervous, not thinking whether there was anything, so he took the pill by Song Weizhi's hand. After a while The pill was evacuated from Song Zhixia's body. Song Zhixia only felt that there were fine and dense needles piercing her all over her body, but the pain could barely be held back. The spring water of Lingquan opened the pores of Song Zhixia's body. The impurities in her body were constantly being discharged, and for about an hour, the clean spring in the tub had long turned black.

?? Song Weizhi used his spiritual power to draw out the dark spring water, while drawing new spring water from the storage ring into the bath tub.

?? At this time, Song Zhixia closed her eyes tightly, her hands were tightly gripped on the edge of the bathtub because of the pain, and her body was shaking uncontrollably. Song Weizhi looked at Song Zhixia in the bathtub while still holding a piece of cotton cloth in her hand. , Ready to hand it to her at any time to prevent her from biting her tongue.

?? Another hour passed, Song Zhixia's hand holding the bathtub was bleeding, and even if he bit the cotton cloth in his mouth, it still trembled. This time the water in the bathtub just became turbid, not as dark as the first bucket of water.

?? Song Weizhi changed the spirit spring water in the bath tub as usual. Song Zhixia was almost exhausted at this time. The cotton cloth in his mouth had fallen off, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth from time to time. The hands on the bath tub were even more flesh and blood. Fuzzy, the reason why she can still float in the tub now is entirely because Song Weizhi is dragging her with spiritual power.

?? Now that she has suffered so much, Song Weizhi thought it would be better for her to thoroughly cleanse her spiritual roots.

?? After the third hour passed, Song Zhixia had already fainted in the bathtub, sweat on his forehead and face, as if he had been soaked in water for a long time.

?? Song Weizhi moved away the bath tub with spiritual power and made the body cleaning curse to dry Song Zhixia. Only then did he carefully put the person in his arms on his bed for careful examination. Song Zhixia’s lips, hands and both There were serious injuries on the feet, especially the deep bones on the hands. The ten fingers were even more bloody, and the fingernails all fell off. Song Weizhi looked at it with anxiety.

?? She took out the best medicine for trauma in the storage ring, and used her spiritual power to evenly spread the ointment on Song Zhixia's hands. Only the **** index finger gradually grew new flesh on the inner layer. It still looks bloody. After that, the ointment was applied to Song Zhixia's lips, and the wounds bitten by Song Zhixia's lips gradually healed. Finally, the ointment was applied to Song Zhixia's feet, because only a few toes on the feet were scratched, so the elixir almost healed after being applied.

?? After finishing these Song Weizhi, she put Song Zhixia on her bed and lay down, while she was sitting by the bed to practice the exercises. She had just checked Song Zhixia's spiritual root repair, and the impurities in the semi-spiritual roots had all been cleared out. In the body, the remaining half of the spiritual root was also refined under the action of the pill. Now Song Zhixia's body is a pure fire-type single spiritual root. According to this level of refinement, it is estimated that Song Zhixia will have to wake up several times. When it was time, Song Weizhi simply set a barrier and waited for Song Zhixia to wake up while resting his exercises.

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