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?? After a few people packed up, Yu Jian went straight to Jimo City. Wei Zhao was afraid that Zhou Qingxue would be injured during the fight, so he simply put Zhou Qingxue in the storage bag.

?? "Master, let's not go to the palace so directly, will it be too dangerous?"

?? "Send them a big gift later." Song Weizhi smiled and said, she had already replaced the thousand points she got yesterday with armor-piercing bullets, and then directly blasted the palace to him. In the panic, those guards must have guarded the emperor first, and it was much easier for them to deal with Gao Chengxuan.

?? Song Weizhi and the others soon arrived at the foot of the imperial city. Wei Zhao casually grabbed a guard and found out Gao Chengxuan's residence. Song Weizhi asked Song Zhixia and Wei Zhao to pass by and block the people first, and he shot the armor one by one. When it was released to the city gate, the palace that had been calm for a while suddenly turned into flames.

?? Song Weizhifei took on an unknown building in the palace, and while continuing to release armor-piercing bullets, he flew towards Gao Chengxuan's bedroom.

?? Song Zhixia and Wei Zhao have already rushed into Gao Chengxuan's bedroom at this moment. The guards outside have been killed by Wei Zhao, and Zuo Xuan and Song Zhixia are also defeated.

?? Song Zhixia's spiritual power alone is much higher than that of left-handed, and coupled with the blessing of Yuanshen fragments, after a dozen moves, left-handed can only be beaten by Song Zhixia.

Gao Chengxuan didn't panic until this moment. Song Zhixia's cultivation base a few months ago was so low, how come it is now the cultivation base of the Mahayana period, and even the highest cultivation base under her own left-handed is not her opponent, Gao Chengxuan As he stepped back, he shouted in his throat: "Escor, escort, where's the man? Come and protect your highness."

?? It’s a pity that there has been a chaos in the palace. The guards naturally went to protect the emperor, and the people outside his courtyard were almost dead and clean. No one cares about him. Gao Chengxuan has long gone. Noble, fled to the back door, but before running two steps, the wall in front of him had exploded, and after a burst of smoke, Song Weizhi's lips appeared in front of Gao Chengxuan with a slight bend.

?? "Hey, isn't this the third prince? Where is the power in the past? Where is this going?" Song Weizhi jokingly said, looking at Gao Chengxuan like a clown.

?? "Song Weizhi, I warn you, this is the imperial palace, my site, if you dare to move me, I will make you not survive, but you cannot die." Gao Chengxuan gritted his teeth and insisted.

?? Song Weizhi looked at him with more interest and said: "Your father's palace was bombed by me. He is still too busy to take care of himself. Don't talk nonsense. Let me loosen your bones first. You owe Xia Xia. , I have to get it back bit by bit."

?? Speaking of Song Weizhi just a few clicks in the void, the next moment Gao Chengxuan's hands and feet bend at weird angles, with a few crisp sounds, the bones on his hands and feet were crushed by Song Weizhi. Gao Chengxuan could only groan on the ground at this moment, "You, don't kill me, I will give you everything you want, give you everything, let me go, let me go."

?? "That's easy to say, I just want your life, what else can I want."

?? The other side left-handed has been beaten by Song Zhixia, and both Song Zhixia and Wei Zhao also surrounded Gao Chengxuan.

"You, let me go, I really don't want to die." Gao Chengxuan burst into tears.

?? Song Weizhi showed no mercy to him, "I have to do it, I can't let you spend any more time."

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