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?? A few days later, Song Weizhi contacted Yao Xintong and learned that she and Feng Yiliu had settled down on the Liuxi Mountain. Song Weizhi did not want to talk to Yao Xintong about Zhou Qingxue, so as not to distract her, but worry about it. Again, it is really not appropriate to let Zhou Qingxue live in the form of a cat. There is no other way for the three of them. It is better to tell Yao Xintong and listen to Yao Xintong.

?? "Senior Yao, something happened some time ago, Qingxue's body was destroyed, but her three souls and seven souls are still intact, we have not found a suitable body for her, she now has to live in a cat's In the body, I don’t know if you can help her."

?? Yao Xintong’s voice came through the Lingshi, “Instead of looking for her physical body, it’s better to reshape her dantian. Qingxue’s previous physical body is gone, and her cultivation is gone. After she has her dantian, As long as Qingxue can build the foundation again, even in the body of a cat, it can be transformed into a human form."

?? Song Weizhi said a few words with Yao Xintong, asked Yao Xintong where they were, and quickly told Zhou Qingxue and Wei Zhao the news.

?? Zhou Qingxue still hesitated, she didn't know how to face her mother, but Wei Zhao put her in her arms and touched her hair, coaxing: "Your mother knows that something happened to you, so how could you not worry about you? Let's all go there, so she can feel more at ease."

?? Zhou Qingxue had to lift the cat's head and rubbed Wei Zhao. Recently, she felt that she was becoming more and more like a cat. She always likes to rub against Wei Zhao.

?? After a few people packed up, they immediately picked up the magic weapon and headed to Liuxi Mountain. Yao Xintong was walking with Feng Yiliu outside the wooden house. Feng Yiliu's complexion was much better than before, and it was no different from ordinary mortals.

?? Seeing that Song Weizhi and the others were coming, Yao Xintong immediately greeted her and went to hug the cat in her arms. When Zhou Qingxue saw her mother, there were two lines of cat tears on the cat’s face, and Yao Xintong hugged her. Coax.

?? "Senior, can we help Qingxue reshape his dantian?" Song Weizhi asked from the side.

?? "Let me come." Yao Xintong said and led everyone into the wooden house. There were five rooms in the wooden house. Yao Xintong put Zhou Qingxue on the table and took out a piece of red jade with himself. The spiritual power of Zhou Qingxue was pushed straight into Zhou Qingxue's body through the red jade, and there was a red spot in the cat’s body. At first it was just a red dot, as Yao Xintong continued to push the spiritual power into the red jade. In the middle, the red part of the cat's body gradually became the size of a small ball, and the volume of the ruby ​​was constantly shrinking.

?? It was already an hour later when Yao Xintong regained her spiritual power. She held the table with both hands and gradually stabilized her figure. It took too much spiritual power to reshape Zhou Qingxue's dantian just now.

?? "Senior, how are you?" Song Weizhi asked from the side.

"It's okay, it just consumed some spiritual power. Qingxue's dantian has been reshaped, but I can't help her build the foundation now." Yao Xintong's voice was a little strenuous.

?? "Senior, there are so many of us, and there are so many spiritual powers. Just tell us how to do it."

?? "No, master, I'll be fine, you and Miss Song go to rest." Wei Zhao stretched out his hand to hug Zhou Qingxue, and was stopped by Song Weizhi.

?? "You send your spiritual power alone, and your spiritual power will be exhausted in a while. The three of us are together, and no one needs to consume too much spiritual power. Don't talk nonsense, let's come together."

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