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?? Song Weizhi sighed and said: "Do you hate me so? Even if you want to avenge me, you don't have to make yourself like this. Have you ever thought about your mother and brother, if they knew you now How should it feel like this?"

?? Zhou Qingxue shook her head weakly: "I didn't want to seek revenge from you. You are right. My father is indeed responsible for everything he did, but he is my father after all. After I left, I wanted to go to other places. Take a look, help some people in need, so as to alleviate some of my father's sins, but I ran into Qi Yingzhe before I left Jimo City."

?? Zhou Qingxue’s tears slid down her cheek drop by drop, Zhou Qingxue fell into the memory:

?? After Zhou Qingxue came out of the Cold Mountain Sword Sect that day, the whole person was lost, but she remembered the hatred of her mother for her father and how his father treated Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia, Zhou Qingxue felt pain in her heart for a while. With the feeling of nowhere to go, when she was about to leave Jimo City, she ran into Qi Yingzhe.

?? Qi Yingzhe was Zhou Yeran's most trusted disciple during his lifetime. He had a high prestige in Hanshan Jianzong, and Zhou Qingxue had always treated him as an older brother.

?? "Where is Junior Sister Zhou going?" Qi Yingzhe asked, the expression on his face as calm as ever.

?? Zhou Qingxue smiled miserably: "The sky is so big that there is no place for me. I don't know where I should go."

?? "Sister Zhou, I have something to say to you. This is not a place to talk. Let's find a place to talk."

?? Zhou Qingxue nodded and followed behind Qi Yingzhe, and came to the private room of a restaurant. Qi Yingzhe thought for a while and said, "Sister Zhou, the master's hatred has not been reported yet, are you going to leave?"

?? Zhou Qingxue shook her head and said: "Even my mother hates my dad, and it is true that my dad was at fault first. What he did to Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia is also true. I don't want to take revenge anymore. No longer, I can’t face them again, Senior Brother Qi, I’m afraid Senior Brother Qi will have to worry a lot about the Hanshan Sword Sect in the future. I’m leaving now."

?? "In this case, the younger sister can't blame me. I did this to help the younger sister get revenge." Qi Yingzhe's voice sounded behind Zhou Qingxue. Zhou Qingxue had no defense against her brother. With just one click, Zhou Qingxue was caught by Qi Yingzhe's spirit. Fainted hard.

?? When she woke up again, she appeared in a hall filled with black energy. It was where Lu Ming, the lord of the soul-inducing sect, was located, and her most respected senior was now wearing a black robe, standing and sitting in the hall. The man standing next to him.

?? Zhou Qingxue couldn't react to what happened for a while, "Senior Brother Qi? Where is this place, why did you tie me here?"

?? Lu Ming took a quick sip of tea, Qi Yingzhe said: "The Qi Guardian has worked hard. I have been dormant in the Hanshan Sword Sect for many years, and now it is unnecessary."

?? Immediately, Lu Ming raised his eyes and glanced at Zhou Qingxue and said, "This is the Soul Inducing Sect, your senior brother Qi, is my Soul Inducing Sect's protector, and it is also my eyeliner inserted in the Hanshan Sword Sect."

?? Zhou Qingxue curled up on the ground and shook her head in disbelief. There have been too many things that have been unacceptable for her recently. Senior Brother Qi Yueguangfeng is the first disciple respected by the disciples of the Hanshan Sword Sect. How could it be the Soul Attracting Sect? Of people?

?? "No, brother, it's not like that, my father is so good to you, why? Why do you want to betray us?" Zhou Qingxue's two lines of tears fell, she could not remember how many times this was the last time. I shed tears.

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