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?? The eight disciples of the Song family are also very fateful. Just now Jiaolong made such a big movement. At this moment, these people are only slightly injured. At this moment, they are a bit far away from Song Weizhi and the others. , Can't see what's going on, they haven't come out of the **** scene just now, and what is it that just blasted the dragon? Did you blow up such a big dragon in a few strokes?

?? Song’s 8 disciples are far away from Song Weizhi and the others. After all, the people around Song Zhixia’s fate, which Jiaolong just said, did not dare to pass, but these people did not have the backbone, and they only had one. Dao, I felt a little unsure, the last 8 disciples still discussed following Song Weizhi and the others, so that the chances of survival would be greater, so a few people began to walk towards Song Weizhi and the others.

?? Of course, Song Weizhi also noticed that these people in the distance were walking here, and he snorted coldly, and then went to hold his little girl’s hand and said, “I’ll go see the dragon, Xia Xia wants to be with me. ?"

?? Song Weizhi's voice is very soft, Song Zhixia somehow thinks of the kiss just now, the temperature on her cheeks that has just cooled down, starts to increase rapidly, and her cheeks are quickly dyed red.

Song Zhixia didn't dare to look at Song Weizhi's eyes. He just lowered her head and nodded. Song Weizhi knew that the little girl was shy, so she didn't ask much, and led the little girl to the head of the dragon. This Then he looked at the Jiaolong carefully.

?? The dragon head alone is huge, several stories high, not to mention that half of it is on the land and half of the dragon's body is hanging down into the lake.

?? Song Zhixia was a little worried, for fear that the dragon would hurt Song Weizhi again, the hand holding Song Weizhi could not help tightly, Song Weizhi turned his head and smiled at Song Zhixia, and at the same time summoned the system in his mind to help her scan the Yuan Where is the fragment of God hidden?

?? After a while, the system found the location of the Yuanshen Fragment, which is exactly the position between the eyes of the dragon. It should be placed in the normal sword and can be obtained, but now it can only be obtained by climbing up, Song Weizhi thinks Then he was ready to climb up the dragon's head.

?? Song Zhixia asked with some worry: "Senior Sister, what are you doing? This is too dangerous."

?? "It's okay, you just wait for me below. I'll get something and come back soon. That thing is very important. Don't let others come up." Said Song Weizhi inserted the long knife in the back waist. Climb up the faucet with both hands and feet. Fortunately, the faucet is so pitted that there are places where you can get your feet down.

?? Zhao Xuankun and the others also followed, "To Junior Sister Xia? This is Junior Sister Song?"

?? "Senior Sister told you not to go up." Song Zhixia stood under the dragon head obediently and said.

?? Zhao Xuankun has been to many secret realms, thinking about what secret treasure Song Weizhi found, but this dragon was originally killed by Song Weizhi. Of course it is understandable that the secret treasure belongs to Song Weizhi, but some people don’t think so. .

?? Xu Wenyuan was still scratching his head on the spot, for fear that Song Weizhi would fall off the dragon's head. Zhao Xuankun said, "Don't look, help Junior Sister Song to stop people. This dragon was killed by Junior Sister Song and should belong to Sister Song. "

?? Xu Wenyuan is still a little confused. Just now I knew what caused the dragon to blow up, but I didn’t know that Song Weizhi did it. I quickly turned around and all the 8 disciples of the Song family came in front of them. Yes, Zhao Xuankun stopped the people.

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