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?? The martial arts contest of the four martial arts has become the focus of the disciples of all schools for a while. One is that they are rich in rewards, and the other is that they can use martial arts to make friends and get to know more dao friends of other schools.

?? At the same time, in the imperial palace of Jimo City, a man in a bright yellow dragon robe sat on the dragon chair, and his favorite son, the third prince, Gao Chengxuan stood beside him.

?? "Cheng Xuan, how is that going on?" The old emperor asked while reviewing the memorial.

?? "If you go back to the emperor, everyone knows the rewards of the martial arts contest. According to the eyes of these days, the rewards of the Four Gates Party are bound to be won this time, and even some sects have left behind." The third prince stood aside respectfully.

?? "Well, the four main sects are too arrogant, just use this opportunity to let them suppress each other, otherwise sooner or later it will be detrimental to the royal family." The old emperor said solemnly.

?? "Erchen understands that the more chaotic the martial arts contest, the better." Gao Chengxuan showed a clear expression.

?? "I can rest assured that you are good at doing things. You are so talented and suitable to rest and practice immortality. In the future, these sect forces will still have to be managed by you. As for the prince, he will be in charge of internal affairs. With your help, you will definitely help the prince a lot."

?? "Father, rest assured, the son will do his best to assist the emperor brother, the son will resign first." Gao Chengxuan saluted the old emperor.

?? The old emperor nodded and told him to retreat.

?? Gao Chengxuan has just left the gate of the old emperor’s palace, and the humility on his face has long since disappeared. He doesn’t understand. How did his father look at his trash brother, Wen Tao and martial arts should be him. That's it.

?? A few days later, the martial arts contest will be held as scheduled, but the venue for this contest is a special martial arts arena for the royal army. There are dozens of light arenas. The numbered spirit stone, if the number on the spirit stone is the same, the pairing is successful.

?? Song Zhixia’s first game was scheduled in the morning. The opponent was a young disciple from Lingjiangmen. Seeing Song Zhixia, his eyes were straight. Before he could say anything, he was slapped off the stage by Song Zhixia with a palm. Not long after the foundation was built, Song Zhixia's cultivation was not on the same level as Song Zhixia's cultivation, so Song Zhixia was useless and put people out of the ring.

?? Wei Zhao and Zhou Qingxue are the same, Yuan Yingqi's cultivation base can be said to be cutting melons and vegetables among a group of Caiji disciples, and they won without even showing their weapons.

?? Song Weizhi's match was in the afternoon. She always felt that this martial arts contest was weird, coupled with the previous black-clothed people's affairs, so Song Weizhi was very cautious, and she was determined to win the mysterious bird's soul fragment.

?? The disciple who was fighting her was a disciple who was cultivated during the opening period of Xuan Tianmen. Seeing that she was a beautiful female nun, he even thought about getting close to Song Weizhi.

?? "Junior sister, is your name Song Weizhi? Good name, can we get to know each other after we finish the test in a while?"

?? Song Weizhi didn't even give him a wink. He just heard the sound of the gong and slapped it out with a palm. The male disciple just drew out his sword and wanted to make a quick talk, but he was already vomiting blood. Flying more than ten meters away, this was one of the few **** matches in the first day of the game.

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