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?? It's as if the entire space is shrouded in a barrier. This is probably a means of trapping people in this secret realm. Song Weizhi said to Song Zhixia behind him: "Xia Xia, it seems we have to do it too."

?? "Okay, Senior Sister." Song Zhixia said that she had sacrificed her spirit sword, and went to the monkeys. She used the sword trick of burning the sword, and between the stabbing and the picking, Song Zhixia's surroundings were already ablaze. Raging fire.

?? Song Weizhi released the two-winged ice ling tiger, the tiger that was bigger than the elephant immediately danced in place, and Song Weizhi used the Li Shuo sword in his hand to use the Han Po Jue, and for a time Song Song Wei Zhi and Song Zhixia were surrounded by ice and fire, plus a big tiger as big as an elephant, and there were some monkey-like things that were afraid to step forward.

?? The persimmons are always picking up softly. Song Weizhi and the others are in a good situation. Tian Junjie and the others are miserable. The monkeys flock to them. Among them, Tian Junjie was the first repairer of the consecration. Because, but he was no match for so many monkeys alone, and even Tian Yanyan, who was protected in the middle, was dazzled.

?? She cried to Tian Junjie while swinging the sword: "Brother, brother, you are going to think of a way, oh oh oh, I have no strength, I blame you, if you don't marry that Song Zhixia, there won't be so much trouble. , I will be killed by you."

?? "Shut up, what's the use of saying these now." Tian Junjie is also on fire. He never thought that this secret realm is so dangerous. Now he regrets death. Even if Song Zhixia is beautiful, his life will be precious, he thought. Leading people to leaned against Song Weizhi and the others, but was blocked by the surging monkey tide.

?? Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia have cleaned up the monkeys around them in a while, but there are monkey corpses everywhere, which makes people feel a little nauseous.

?? After cleaning up the surrounding monkeys, Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia went to the edge of the forest again. After using their spiritual power, they still couldn't open the barrier that covered it.

?? "Senior Sister, do we want to go over and help? If Tian's people are gone, then these things can only stare at us." Song Zhixia looked at Tian Junjie and the others who were besieged in the distance, she didn't really want to go there. Help, if it is simply because Tian's people can't hold it, these monkeys can only find her and the senior sister.

?? Song Weizhi thought for a while, her family Xia Xia's words are also reasonable, otherwise there are so many monkeys, and they will suffer from their words alone, so they can only help Song Zhixia Yujian.

?? Seeing that Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia were here, Tian Junjie smiled quickly. He raised a smile and said to Song Zhi: "Sister Song, I know you won’t leave me alone. It’s great for you to come here. Let’s do it together. Kill all these monkeys."

?? Song Zhixia didn't give Tian Junjie a look at all, but just joined the battle.

?? Song Weizhi was more than enough to deal with these monkeys, but he was afraid that Song Zhixia would not have enough spiritual power, so he let the big tiger follow Song Zhixia to protect Song Zhixia.

?? Tian Yanyan was full of red eyes and roared to Song Zhixia: "What did you guys do early? I've been injured in what way before I came here. After I go out, I must let my mother punish you severely."

?? As she was talking, Song Weizhi swept away coldly and said, "Shut up if you don't want to die." The coercion that belonged to the Jin Dan stage passed on Tian Yanyan. Tian Yanyan was originally. Having exhausted his aura, he was pressed by one of Song Wei to kneel and spit out a mouthful of blood.

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