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?? Xu Wenyuan on the sidelines was very happy. He raised his head and looked at Song Yueling and said, "How about? I am short-sighted and look down on others. Doesn't his face hurt?"

?? Song Yueling stared at Xu Wenyuan fiercely and said: "You men will look at your face if you are aspiring, and don't bother to care about you, let's go." Said Song Yueling and the few green tea sisters beside her quickly left, this But Xu Wenyuan was so angry.

?? "I went, what is her attitude?"

?? Liang Qin patted Xu Wenyuan and persuaded: "Don't be familiar with this kind of person, isn't she just not seeing someone better than her?"

?? "Hey, all right."

?? Song Ruhai and the three elders on the other side also returned to their respective residences. As soon as Song Ruhai returned, he couldn't wait to call Song Chaoyun with the sound transmission talisman.

?? Before Song Chaoyun stood still, Song Ruhai opened his mouth and said, "Chaoyun, that Song Zhixia really developed a single root of the fire system, and it has been built in a short period of time. I think she is not completely It's no use, you can use one or two."

?? Song Chaoyun smiled and said, "What does father mean?"

?? "Among the four major families in Linhai City, we have a good relationship with the Zhao family and the Qin family. Piff’s death date is here."

?? Song Chaoyun condensed his eyebrows and said, "But what does this have to do with Song Zhixia?"

?? "You don’t know that Tian Yuelan, the head of the Tian family, and his son and daughter, who loved her, heard that his son Tian Junjie and his **** son, it is better for us to mate Song Zhixia to Tian Junjie. Although Song Zhixia is damaged, the soul is damaged. The cultivation qualifications and appearance are both superior, I don't believe that Tian Junjie can be indifferent." Song Ruhai said and laughed, as if he had predicted that he would be able to win the Tian family easily.

?? "But father, Song Zhixia may be difficult to listen to us right now, after all, we haven't taken care of her since she returned to the Song clan."

"What's the problem with this? The woman is already sentimental. Asking your mother to pick up people in person will naturally be obedient if you leave it by her side for a few days. Moreover, she follows Song Weizhi every day, which prevents you from getting close to Song Weizhi. Ah." Song Ruhai said and looked at each other with Song Chaoyun, and the two smiled at each other.

At noon, Song Weizhi’s originally clean courtyard became noisy for a while, and the person who came was He Qingmei, who had not shown her face for a long time, but the lady in charge was dropped from the sky before stepping into Song Weizhi’s yard. Wei Zhao blocked him.

?? He Qingmei looked at Wei Zhao in front of her and shouted: "Who are you? How come you are in Weizhi's courtyard."

?? Wei Zhao glanced at He Qingmei coldly and said: "This doesn't care about you, this is my master's yard, and no one can wait to enter."

?? He Qingmeiton time veins violently violent, she has not suffered such a anger in the Song family for so many years, and immediately took a palm at Wei Zhao, and Wei Zhao took He Qingmei's palm without any panic. The cultivation level of the consecration and Dzogchen, I thought it could be so powerful, it is far from my master."

?? Wei Zhao's words successfully angered He Qingmei, but through the palm of her hand just now, He Qingmei found that with her own cultivation level, she could not ask for a bargain in front of this young woman, which she couldn't believe.

?? Knowing that if he fights, he may not be the opponent of this woman, He Qingmei had to suppress her anger and said: "I am Song Weizhi's wife and Song Zhixia's biological mother. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."

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