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?? Last time Song Weizhi only touched the little ear on Song Zhixia's right. She still remembered the little ear on the left that she hadn't touched. Of course she won't let it go this time. Song Weizhi reached out to Song Zhixia's left. Rua put a hand on her little ears, and it turned out to be soft.

?? Song Zhixia was stunned. She didn't expect Song Weizhi to be able to touch it so smoothly. The white skin on her body quickly dyed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a frightened kitten. She bounced back and reached out to touch it. Holding the little ear that Song Weizhi had just touched, he whispered aggrievedly: "Senior Sister, why are you, why are you touching my ears again."

?? Song Weizhi looked at the shy Song Zhixia with a smile, and teased her: "I can't help seeing my Zhixia cute, and can't let the senior sister touch it? Zhixia is so stingy?"

Song Zhixia raised her eyes and glanced at Song Weizhi. The red on her face hadn't faded. She pursed her lips and said, "It's not impossible if it's Senior Sister."

?? After finishing speaking, the blush on Song Zhixia's face became even worse, she didn't dare to look at Song Weizhi again, turned and ran away.

?? "Zhi Xia is so shy, so cute." Song Weizhi looked at Song Zhixia's back and said with a smile.

?? Song Weizhi remembered that there was still something to do with Song Zhixia, and then he followed again, tapped Song Zhixia’s door a few times, and said, "Jiaxia, I forgot there is something to tell you. Don’t worry, this time Amusing you."

?? After a while, Song Zhixia opened the door, the red on his face had faded a little, but the two small ears were still red, and they looked charming and charming. Song Weizhi was afraid that Song Zhixia would be shy, and then retracted his attention. Her gaze.

?? "I came here to tell you that it will be the assessment of the outer disciple in a few days. After being promoted to the inner disciple, you can go to the Linlang Secret Realm with the inner disciple to hunt for treasures. Zhixia, this is an opportunity to prove yourself. , I believe you can." Song Weizhi looked at Song Zhixia with gentle eyes.

?? "Will Senior Sister also go to the Secret Realm?" Song Zhixia asked. She didn't care about the identity of the inner disciple, but she didn't want to shame Senior Sister, she also wanted to become stronger and protect Senior Sister.

?? "Of course, I will go with Zhixia." Song Weizhi kept looking at Song Zhixia, and Song Zhixia was a little embarrassed.

?? "Then, that will work hard, I also want to stand by the senior sister." Song Zhixia looked at Song Weizhi and said firmly.

?? "Well, of course I know, my beautiful girl is the best." Song Weizhi couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the soft hair on the top of Song Zhixia's head. This time Song Zhixia did not hide. , Just a touch of crimson dyed quickly.

?? "Cultivate with peace of mind these few days, and when you get to the promotion exam, you can prove it to those who don't have long eyes."

?? Song Zhixia nodded obediently. She also wanted to prove that she was not a useless rubbish. She still remembered that in the martial arts field that day, she might not be able to survive if she weren't a senior sister. She also wanted to become stronger, and she also wanted to be a senior sister. Do something.

?? Returning to the room, Song Zhixia recalled the sword burning technique in his mind again. There are seven styles of this sword technique. Among the seven styles, there are many sword moves that can be changed infinitely. Rao is so talented as Song Zhixia. People only comprehend the first four styles of burning swords, but the last three styles really didn't figure out how to think about it. She summoned the primordial spirit beast chick out of boredom, and the gray little chick was wide open Looking at Song Zhixia with her big eyes, she rubbed her little head against the back of Song Zhixia's hand like a baby.

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