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?? After telling Song Zhixia, Wei Zhao came back soon.

?? "Master, I just heard that Song Ruhai and the others are discussing about your birthday, saying that it is the people of the Zhao family to come over." Wei Zhao respectfully reported to Song Weizhi.

?? As soon as the Zhao family was mentioned, Song Weizhi remembered the hero Zhao Xuankun. In the original work, Zhao Xuankun met the heroine through the opportunity of this birthday banquet, and only then helped the heroine refine the spiritual roots. Song Weizhi After thinking about it, I finally got a good relationship with the heroine, but don't be disrupted by the heroine.

?? "Okay I know, you go back and rest first." Let Wei Zhao go out, Song Weizhi began to figure out how to go next, but because of her arrival, everything has a butterfly effect, so nothing He will definitely follow the plot of the original book, and now he can only improve his cultivation as soon as possible, and take one step at a time.

?? After Wei Zhao left, Song Weizhi's mind sounded the mechanical sound of the system: "Help the heroine build the foundation smoothly, reward 100 points, and the task can be completed within three days."

?? Song Weizhi thought, this shouldn't be difficult. Song Zhixia was about to build a foundation in the past few days. It seems that these 100 points will be his own right away.

?? Song Zhixia came and knocked on the door early the next morning, but Song Weizhi practiced the exercises all night and did not sleep. He immediately went to open the door for Song Zhixia when he heard the knock on the door.

?? As soon as I opened the door, I saw a somewhat anxious Song Zhixia, "Chixia, what's the matter?"

?? "Senior Sister, the blood in my body is surging, I think it may be a breakthrough."

?? Hearing Song Zhixia's words, Song Weizhi immediately grasped Song Zhixia's wrist to investigate. Sure enough, he discovered that there was a faint red light in Song Zhixia's body, which seemed to be a breakthrough.

?? "Don't worry, let's go to the courtyard." Song Weizhi took Song Zhixia to a remote place in the courtyard and stood there. With Song Zhixia as the center, she formed a formation and posted on the eyes of the formation. A lot of yellow talisman papers, and an earthquake-resistant magical tool were placed. Seeing that they were almost ready, they said, "Chih Xia, now use the method I teach you to activate the aura in your body. I will wait a moment. Lei Jie has come down, protecting himself with aura."

?? "Okay, Senior Sister." Song Zhixia began to arouse the already vigorous aura in the body. The weather that had just been clear and the sky was full of black thunders in the blink of an eye, and the black clouds continued to gather where Song Wei lived. , And the black cloud is getting lower and lower, as if to cover this little world.

?? There is such a movement, which naturally attracted the attention of other disciples, because things like thunder robbery will exist from the beginning of the foundation, so some disciples in the inner door have already suffered thunder robbery, which also means that these people have already been. Having taken the most important step in cultivating immortality, since the foundation building, immortal cultivators can stop eating mortal food and not be hungry, and their strength will be improved by leaps and bounds compared to the Qi refining period.

?? "Hey, you said that you are wicked, how can there be signs of thunder robbery over there, I remember that it is the residence of the master sister over there."

?? "Yeah, isn't the master sister of the Golden Core Comprehension Stage cultivation base? It is impossible to get to the Yuan Ying stage at once. As far as I know, there are no Yuan Ying stage monks in Linhai City."

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