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?? The speaker has no intentions, listeners intends, Li Qingyuan is the most prestigious disciple in Hanshan Jianzong besides Qi Yingzhe, for no other reason, he is one of the most powerful disciples besides Qi Yingzhe, in charge of the general affairs of the door He was already overwhelmed by the children of Qi Yingzhe and Zhou Yeran, and he was already very dissatisfied. This year's new disciple recruitment has recruited several disciples with good strength, which also made Li Qingyuan very uneasy.

?? "Brother, don't be too surprised by the rumors. Those people just like to exaggerate. Where are so many geniuses in this world? I want me to say that as long as the master looks at you, I will take care of what others do."

?? Li Qingyuan constricted his eyebrows, thinking what he said, but if these disciples surpass him, then he will become a housekeeper in this sect who only manages daily affairs, which is not what Li Qingyuan wants.

?? "Are those new disciples still considered safe?" Li Qingyuan asked with condensed eyebrows.

?? "The others are okay, but Song Weizhi was taught by the third elder in the morning class on the first day, but she admitted her mistake, and the third elder only said a few words about her."

?? Li Qingyuan nodded, picked up the Lingquan water beside him and took a sip: "Is it a newcomer, or we need to beat and beat. I will meet these so-called geniuses in a few days."

?? "Well, how can they beat Brother Li."

?? Song Weizhi and the others were ready to go back to their residence after Qi Yingzhe's class, but as soon as they were about to leave, they saw a figure in the distance coming here, Song Weizhi looked far and saw Zhou Qingxue.

?? Of course, Wei Zhao saw it too. She looked at Song Wei and said anxiously: "Um, Master, you and Miss Song will go back by yourself. I am going to leave if I am in a hurry." She wanted to run away. But one of Song Wei grabbed his wrist.

?? "Hey, where are you in such a hurry? Didn’t you see Miss Zhou coming? Let’s talk a few words together." Song Weizhi looked at Wei Zhao with a smile. She really didn’t expect her cold-faced guard to return. For anyone who is afraid, she is so happy to eat melons.

?? Wei Zhao looked shocked, she saw Zhou Qingxue, and then wanted to run away quickly, how could her master be like this!

?? With the effort of the two talking, Zhou Qingxue had already come over. Seeing Song Weizhi's hand grasping Wei Zhao's wrist on his smiling face, his face immediately became cold.

?? Song Weizhi followed Zhou Qingxue's gaze and immediately let go of Wei Zhao's wrist, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Zhou is here, is there something wrong?"

?? "I came to Wei Zhao." Zhou Qingxue only glanced at Song Wei before turning to Wei Zhao.

?? Song Weizhi's gaze fell on Zhou Qingxue's right ear drop, and then looked at the left ear of his guard, and immediately showed a knocked expression, "Well, then Xia Xia and I will go back first, Wei Zhao You accompany Senior Sister Zhou."

?? Seeing that Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia were quite acquainted, Zhou Qingxue immediately raised a smile of approval, only Wei Zhao curled his lips and watched leaving her alone to face Zhou Qingxue's master.

?? "Sister, what are you laughing at?" Song Zhixia and Song Weizhi had already walked a long way, the little girl couldn't help asking.

?? "Did Xia Xia see Zhou Qingxue's earring on the right ear? It is the same as Wei Zhao's. I think she came to see Wei Zhao, not to mention that they both match well." Song Weizhi smiled and squeezed The little girl replied in the palm of her hand.

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