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?? One of Song Wei lives in a yard, and naturally there is free space to arrange Song Zhixia. She pointed to a room next to her room and said to Song Zhixia: "Zhixia, will you live in this room in the future? I am next to me. In the room, you can call me whatever you want. It's very convenient."

?? Song Zhixia secretly raised her eyes and glanced at Song Weizhi and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

?? "Well, I've been tired for a day today, let's go back to the room and rest." Song Weizhi said, seeing Song Zhixia's shock today, said quickly.

?? "Okay, the elder sister also rests earlier." Song Zhixia and Song Weizhi said goodbye, and then returned to their room.

?? Song Weizhi also returned to his room, and the system's mechanical sound came from his ears: "Congratulations to the host for completing the task of saving the heroine. The task is rewarded with 100 points, and the current host points 130 points. Does the host choose to draw the blind box or go? Redeem prizes in the mall."

?? Song Weizhi used a dusting curse to clean her body, and then she took off the clothes outside and lay on the bed. She asked the system in her mind: "System, you said that the pill that cleans the roots of the soul is so after eating it. It's uncomfortable, so is there anything that can relieve the pain after eating? I'm afraid the heroine will hurt."

"Thank you for the invitation, I didn't expect the host to be very considerate. There is indeed this kind of pill, but the price of Painless Pill is 1,000 points, and the host does not have enough points at present."

?? "Hey, then I can refine the spiritual roots for the heroine later, first accumulate points, and wait until the points are enough." Song Weizhi thought that the heroine would suffer a lot less suffering.

?? At this time, the system again said: "The time left for the host is running out. Now start the mission. Ask the host to help the heroine clean up the spiritual roots. The mission will be rewarded with 500 points. The mission must be completed within three days. The host will be cleared by the world."

?? "Is it possible to do this? I am doing this for the sake of the heroine, do I have to be anxious these few days?" Song Weizhi sighed.

?? "Please understand that each task actually has a specified release time and completion time limit, but the first few tasks are relatively simple, so there is no emphasis on time."

?? "That is to say, if I didn't help the heroine to wash the spiritual roots within three days, I was directly cleared and disappeared?"

?? "Yes, so please execute as soon as possible." The system replied with a mechanical tone.

?? "Alright, now I only have 130 points, which is far from 1000 points." Song Weizhi thought in her heart. She still remembered that in the original book, this pill was obtained by coincidence with the male host. It was given to Song Zhixia. After eating it, Song Zhixia suffered from the pain of shaving bones and flesh, and then refined the half-spiritual root into the single-spiritual root of the fire system. To be honest, after several days of getting along, Song Weizhi didn't want Song Zhixia to suffer these pains.

??Think again, since the task is imperative, then simply put these points in the blind box, if there is anything useful, think about it here, Song Weizhi summoned the system again: "System , Then I first draw 5 blind boxes with 50 points."

?? "Good host, please select five blind boxes, deduct 50 points, and the current host points 80."

?? With the sound of the mechanical sound of the system, dozens of blind boxes appeared in the void. Song Weizhi casually took five with his mind. The other blind boxes disappeared in the next moment, and only the ones selected by Song Weizhi were left. Those five blind boxes.

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