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?? With the turn of the spiritual scene in the hall, this time the vast expanse of desert appears above the spiritual realm. There are not many disciples assigned to this desert. There are as many as a dozen in this desert. The strength of the monster beast is not strong, but this secret realm affects people’s minds. The immortal cultivator doesn’t need to drink water after cultivating the gods. This desert inexplicably gives people a sense of heat and affects people’s minds, which is uncontrollable. Want to drink water.

?? Zhou Yeran happened to find his daughter's figure among these dozen figures. There was no other reason. Among the dozens, only his daughter and Wei Zhao were women. There were many people around his daughter who wanted to establish a relationship. Wei Zhao's own camp is in sharp contrast with these people.

Zhou Yeran is very familiar with this secret realm. He is a little bit sweaty for his daughter. He is not worried that his daughter will not be able to beat those monsters, but he is afraid that his daughter will not be able to endure the hardship and the heat. is that clear?

?? Wei looked after Zhou Qingxue, who was surrounded by the crowd, and didn’t mean anything in the past. She was only interested in the master and the story of the story. Oh, yes, now I have to love the house and the Wu, plus the master’s little couple, and the rest In Wei Zhao's eyes, it is no different from Chinese cabbage, so he dismissed it at all.

?? Zhou Qingxue was born in Hanshan Jianzong since she was a child, and lived a life of fine clothes and jade food. She thinks that she is accustomed to such a front and back embrace. Seeing that Wei Zhao left the order, she shouted at Wei Zhao: , They are all with me. I will be able to protect you when I encounter a monster beast, won't you come together?"

?? Wei Zhao just took a look at her, and then walked forward on his own. Her Wei Zhao is the owner's most intimate guard, and she still needs someone else's protection?

?? Zhou Qingxue saw that Wei Zhao ignored her with a cold face, and immediately became a little unhappy. She saw a pair of frowning eyebrows on her white face, "Hey, what's the matter with you, I will help you pay Don't appreciate it, I'm talking to you, big ice cube!"

?? Wei Zhao didn't even bother to care about her, and walked forward alone.

?? The male repairmen around Zhou Qingxue immediately began to flatter Zhou Qingxue:

?? "Yes, isn't Senior Sister Zhou doing it all for her? Well, she doesn't appreciate it at all."

?? "Who is she who is still playing the image of a lone wolf in what age, cut, I see what to do if she gets into trouble for a while."

?? "Yes, Senior Sister Zhou, let's leave her alone for a while, see if she dare to be so arrogant."

?? Zhou Qingxue was not interested at all when listening to the people around her. She just blamed the big ice cube for ignoring herself, and she wouldn't be saved from death. What nonsense are these disciples talking about?

?? Suddenly, there were yellow winds in the previously sultry desert, and the monks with insufficient cultivation level were blown by the yellow sand and ran forward.

?? Wei Zhao immediately poured spiritual power into the soles of his feet, and the whole figure was rooted on the ground as if he had taken root in the desert, and he found a piece of clothing from the storage bag and wrapped it on his head to prevent wind and sand.

?? She looked at Zhou Qingxue and the others curiously, and couldn't help feeling that Zhou Qingxue was very loyal. She was using her spiritual power to protect the people around her, so why did those people come to the secret realm? Do you feel comfortable enjoying the protection of others?

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