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?? "Yes, it's just that the little girl is more shy, I am afraid that she is not willing to meet foreign men. There will be a little girl's game these few days, and then Tian Zhangmen and Tian Gongzi can go and watch them together."

?? On the second day of the game, Song Zhixia won the game very easily, but there were a few faint glances outside the field that she was carelessly comfortable. She had already built the foundation, and her five senses were more sensitive. When she looked out, she was right in line. He stared straight into his eyes, and saw that the man was wearing a white coat, looking at him with a smile, Song Zhixia looked at him coldly, the man's eyes were very greasy, and Song Zhixia frowned unconsciously. .

?? She hastened to find Song Weizhi, "Senior Sister, let's go, someone just made me feel uncomfortable just now."

?? Song Weizhi’s cultivation is already Golden Core Great Perfection. Hearing what Song Zhixia said, he immediately used his spiritual power to explore the surroundings. As expected, he saw a pair of eyes, and those eyes could hardly be attached to his little white rabbit. , Taking a closer look, Song Weizhi quickly matched the person with the original book.

?? In the original book, there is a man named Tian Junjie who robbed the female lead from the male lead, and even later gave the female lead a drug to help the female lead. In the end, the male lead appeared to save the female lead.

?? Song Weizhi didn't expect that after he changed so many plots in the original book, Tian Junjie, a wretched man, still appeared.

?? "Well, Xia Xia, don't be afraid, there is a senior sister." Song Weizhi comforted Song Zhixia's head.

?? At this time, Tian Junjie in the distance naturally noticed Song Weizhi, the corner of his mouth smiled even more. It's also unsurpassed, but who was standing next to her just now? With a cold face, she is also a cold beauty. I don't know if Junjie is lucky enough to marry Ehuang and Ying at the same time?"

?? Song Ruhai was still smiling when he heard Tian Junjie's evaluation of Song Zhixia at first, but gradually realized something was wrong when he heard it. This Tian Junjie is so good to calculate, he still wants to marry both? Song Weizhi is Song Chaoyun's future daughter-in-law, how can he let others think about it?

?? Song Ruhai quickly said with a serious face: "Next to the little girl is my son Song Chaoyun's fiancée."

?? Hearing what Song Ruhai said, Tian Junjie curled his lips and said "Tsk", "That's a shame, but since it's Brother Song's fiancée, Tian Mou dare not think about it anymore. I can get to know him. Miss Song is already Tian's blessing."

?? Song Ruhai's expression eased when he heard him say this.

?? In the next few days, Song Zhixia easily defeated a group of opponents and successfully passed the outer disciple examination. The only thing that made Song Zhixia feel uncomfortable was the man's eyes. His eyes became more and more explicit.

?? After all the disciples have been assessed, all the outer disciples gathered on the martial arts field, Song Ruhai as the head of the disciple announced one by one the list of disciples who successfully entered the inner door, and the name of Song Zhixia ranked first among them. .

?? Song Ruhai finished reciting Song Zhixia's name, and said in a false sense: "Zhixia performed particularly prominently in this assessment. I am very pleased for my father. You really did not disappoint my father."

?? Song Zhixia didn't even give Song Ruhai a look, but happily looked at Song Weizhi beside him: "Senior Sister, I am the first."

?? Song Weizhi took her little girl by the hand, "Yes, my beautiful girl is the best. Didn't you want to reward the senior sister before? What do you want? Give Xia Xia whatever the senior sister has."

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