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On the peak of Qiongtai Mountain, there is a cave mansion, where the mountains are full of ridges and aura. It is the cave mansion of Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia. There is a woman in red on the edge of the cliff, watering the flowers and grass on the edge of the cliff.

?? I just don't know what the red-robed woman heard, her eyes lit up, and it was Song Weizhi, who was dressed in white, came home from the clouds.

?? "Didn't you tell me, don't you need to wait for me? I just went out for a while, not stupid." Song Weizhi embraced Song Zhixia in his arms, and touched off Song Zhixia's nose affectionately.

?? The little girl leaned neatly in Song Weizhi’s arms and said coquettishly: "I miss Senior Sister for a while, I have been waiting for Senior Sister here for a while, but Senior Sister played chess with a few of Luo Xiafeng’s superiors. Now."

?? "Yes, I was wrong, next time I will definitely not let Xia Xia wait for me for that long." Song Weizhi coaxed, picked up the person sideways, walked to a place with a recliner on one side, and leaned on the recliner. Come on, let the little girl lie on herself.

?? The little girl's lips have never been since she saw Song Weizhi. It seems that she has been used to Song Weizhi petting her like this. All the devilish energy dissipated, the eyebrows were more delicate, and the peach eyes were shining brightly.

?? "Senior Sister will coax me. You went to play with them for a long time that day, telling me to wait." The little girl lay on Song Weizhi, her eyes closed slightly, and she counted Song Weizhi in her mouth. Various practices.

?? Song Weizhi looked at the little lazy cat who was acting like a baby in his arms and coaxed: "Okay, I won't do it next time. The first few times I took you with me, you just said it was boring."

?? "It's boring at first, does that black, black and white flag look good for me?" The little girl half-squinted her eyes and looked at Song Weizhi, like a cat that needs a good smooth hair.

?? Song Weizhi gently printed the lips on the center of the little girl's eyebrows, and coaxed: "Naturally it is the best look at Xia Xia in my family. Little vinegar bag, even the vinegar of chess pieces."

?? The little girl slightly lifted her body and raised her eyebrows and said, "Senior Sister has an opinion?"

?? Song Weizhi hurriedly leaned over, kissed the girl’s delicate lips, and slowly deepened the kiss, until the little girl was softened by the kiss, then let go of the little girl, and said softly: "Xia I like everything about Xia, how can I have opinions."

?? The little girl was flushed on her cheeks after being kissed, and she stabilized her breath before she said: "This is pretty much the same." She put her arms around Song Weizhi's neck and closed her eyes.

?? "Xia Xia is tired? Then let's go back to the Dong Mansion to sleep?" Song Weizhi whispered to the little girl in her arms, the little girl raised her slightly pink cheeks and rubbed Song Weizhi's arms. .

?? Song Weizhi leaned down and kissed the girl's lips, "Little lazy cat." As he said, he gently hugged the girl and walked to the cave.

?? It is said to be a cave, but in fact there is a cave in it, which is no different from an ordinary room, and the lights in the cave are bright, Song Weizhi gently carried the little girl back to their resting bedroom, and gently placed the little girl in it. On the bed, when she was about to get up, she was wrapped around her neck by the little girl with her eyes closed.

?? The little girl hugged Song Weizhi with sleepy eyes and acted like a baby: "Senior Sister won't accompany me?"

?? Song Wei's heart is melted, where can he not be with him, Dang Even kissed the corner of the little girl's lips and said: "Okay, what Xia Xia said, that's what." Then he removed the outer clothes. Lying on the side of the little girl.

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