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?? Song Weizhi looked at Zhao Xuankun and his two hapless colleagues, and exchanged three healing pills from the system painfully.

?? Followed by the mechanical sound of the system: "The host exchanges three healing medicines, which consumes 30 points, and the current remaining points are 720."

?? Song Weizhi handed the healing pills to Zhao Xuankun and the others, "Take the medicine first."

?? Zhao Xuankun only slowed down a bit now, and caught the healing medicine given by Song Weizhi: "Thank you, Junior Sister Song." As he said that, he divided the pills among the other two fellows.

?? Song Zhixia's eyes have been on Song Weizhi and Zhao Xuankun back and forth, I don't know why, anyway, the senior sister always looks at others, she feels a little bit lost, especially that person is Zhao Xuankun.

?? Song Weizhi seemed to have discovered the little girl's loss, and looked at Song Zhixia softly and said, "What happened to Xia Xia? Did you just get scared?"

?? Song Zhixia shook her head and looked at Zhao Xuankun, who had already stood up. The little girl seemed to have made up his mind. She put her arms around Song Weizhi’s waist and buried her head in Song Weizhi’s arms. Song Wei He thought it was the little girl who was scared, and hurriedly hugged the person in her arms and coaxed softly: "Be good, Xia Xia is not afraid. With me, I will definitely not let Xia Xia have something, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

?? The little girl in her arms, her ears were red at the moment, the little girl poked her head out of Song Weizhi's shoulders and exposed her eyes, and she met Zhao Xuankun who was on the side.

?? Song Zhixia did not take back his gaze, but kept staring at Zhao Xuankun. In the end, Zhao Xuankun couldn't bear it and looked away.

?? Zhao Xuankun and the other two of Zhao’s disciples just took the medicine given by Song Weizhi. Now they don’t feel much pain, but they are embarrassed. They are not staying or staying when they are standing here, looking at Song Wei. Zhi and her junior sister hugged you. Finally, Zhao Xuankun couldn’t help it anymore. After a tactical cough, he said: "That, Junior Sister Song, or let’s leave here first and wait to find out. A safe place, you two hold again."

?? Song Weizhi looks like there is someone next to him, and caressed the little girl's back, soothing: "Xia Xia is good, let's see what's going on here, I want to hug Senior Sister Xia Xia for a while. it is good."

?? Zhao Xuankun was stunned when he stayed aside, is this still the decisive Song Weizhi who killed him just now? Why do they talk so softly when talking to her junior sisters, they are really pure teacher-sister relationship? Zhao Xuankun asked a question mark in his heart.

?? Song Zhixia stayed in Song Weizhi's arms for a while, waited until the temperature on her face was not so red before raising her head, not daring to look at Song Weizhi's eyes, "Senior Sister, I'm fine, let's go."

?? Song Weizhi chuckled and rubbed Song Zhixia's soft hair and said: "Okay, Xia Xia is fine." As Song Weizhi took Song Zhixia's hand and followed Zhao Xuankun and the others, he walked out.

?? This place is very big, and the passages are criss-crossed everywhere. Song Weizhi said to the three of Zhao Xuankun in front: "Brother Zhao, the terrain here is complicated, we must not leave."

?? Of course, Zhao Xuankun also found the caves here interlaced, nodded and said yes.

?? At the same time, after Song Chaoyun saw Song Weizhi and the others go, he immediately treated the wound for himself, but the thing that got into his knee was too deep, he could not take it out at all, so he could only tear off the cloth on his clothes. Simply bandage yourself, and then slowly move out.

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