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?? The little girl was a little aggrieved and at a loss. She looked at Song Weizhi who was lying on her body and said coquettishly: "Senior Sister, it's tighter and can't be solved."

?? Song Weizhi raised his head and kissed the little girl's side face, before he smiled and said, "Okay, I will help Xia Xia untie." He said that he took off the belt that had been buckled by the little girl's waist. The little girl put her hand on her clothes belt and said, "Well, this time Xia Xia will come by herself."

?? The little girl's face was flushed, and she finally took off Song Weizhi's outer shirt. Song Weizhi blushed when she saw the girl's exposed skin, so she simply let the little girl go, gently She kissed the little girl's forehead, "Xia Xia, Senior Sister is coming."

?? The little girl closed her eyes shyly.

?? Outside the room, the rain is getting heavier, the fine and dense raindrops hit the top of the tile, splashing water spray, the raindrops lightly rubbed on the tile, and drips of rain leaked from the tile, which was covered under the huge rain. It was washed clean, the rain was not heavy, but it was very anxious at the first time. The dark clouds seemed to encroach on the whole world. After the first time, the sky was clear and the rain slowed down, but it was still dense and long. As the rain fell, the winding around Wadang kept dripping. I don't know how long it took before the clouds cleared and the weather gradually cleared up.

?? The primordial spirits of the two blended together, and they couldn’t distinguish each other. Song Weizhi left his mark on the girl’s primordial spirit, and by the way, he also returned the two primordial fragments to the little girl. , The little girl also left the mark in Song Weizhi's soul.

?? When Song Weizhi woke up, he saw the little girl who was still sleeping in his arms. She seemed to be exhausted. He pulled the quilt on the little girl a little, and at a glance, he saw the little **** her body. Song Weizhi’s eyes were softer, and she kissed the little girl’s forehead lightly. Last night her little girl was so soft and delicate that Song Weizhi held it again and again. Can't help.

?? The little girl was kissed, she was already waking up, she instinctively rubbed Song Weizhi’s shoulders and neck, Song Weizhi’s kiss was printed on the girl’s cheeks and eyebrows, and the girl was sleepy. He opened his eyes awkwardly, and found that he was wearing nothing against the skin of the senior sister. The memories of those shy people from last night flooded like a flood, and the shy girl buried her head lower.

?? Seeing the little girl's appearance, Song Wei said softly, "Xia Xia is awake, so cute."

?? The little girl was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to lift her face, her voice was a little dumb and said coquettishly: "Senior Sister~"

?? "Well, let’s stop teasing Xia Xia, now Xia Xia is my trail companion, and I can’t get away even if I want to run." Song Weizhi said that he did not forget to kiss her at the ear of the little girl, which attracted Ben Her ears became even more crimson.

?? Where did I know that the originally shy little girl suddenly looked at herself with a pair of peachy eyes and said: "Then senior sister, don't even think about running away, senior sister can only be Xia Xia alone."

?? Song Weizhi said with a soft smile: "Okay, after last night, I feel that I will not leave my Xiaxia anymore."

?? The little girl rubbed Song Weizhi's neck shyly, "Senior sister is necrotic, ooh."

?? "Where is it broken?" Song Weizhi teased the little girl slightly between his brows.

?? "Well, it's necrosis anyway, bullying Xia Xia." The little girl was so embarrassed that she buried herself in the quilt and refused to look at Song Weizhi.

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