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?? In the next few days, Song Zhixia played against Song Weizhi in the morning. In the afternoon, he continued to absorb the spiritual energy around him. The days passed, and Song Weizhi’s birthday soon came. This day is also Song Zhixia’s. Birthday, but no one cares about the latter.

?? Song Ruhai handed over all the affairs of Song Weizhi’s birthday to Song Chaoyun. In the past, Song Weizhi’s birthday banquets were held with great momentum. This year Song Chaoyun asked people to prepare early in order to express himself. In the Song family Those who were festooned with lanterns and festoons, those who didn't know could still be regarded as Song Ruhai's tens of birthdays.

?? Song Weizhi didn’t even bother to give a wink at all. She was busy helping her little girl practice combat. After crying that day, the little girl became more and more frustrated and courageous, and now she can pick her up. With a few tricks, Song Weizhi said he was very pleased.

?? These days, Song Zhixia will also go to the Gongfa Pavilion from time to time. After all, she can't just burn the sword, she also has to know some other exercises of the Song clan.

?? After the last time Song Weizhi gave Song Zhixia a head start, the attitudes of the disciples towards Song Zhixia have also changed a lot. From wanting to step on Song Zhixia, they have now turned away from the present. At least there is no such thing as a long-eyed person. To bully Song Zhixia, Song Zhixia also had a leisurely time, checking all kinds of exercises in the Gongfa Pavilion.

?? Song Zhixia was looking attentively, and other disciples’ whispered comments came from a distance:

?? "Hey, did you see Zhao Xuankun of the Zhao clan this morning? It is our master sister's future Taoist companion."

?? "What future Taoist couple, I heard that the senior sister said that the marriage contract was to be dismissed that day."

?? "I'm going, it's true or not, Brother Zhao has already entered the cultivation base at the beginning of the consecration period. Looking at the younger generation of Linhai City, it seems that few can achieve this cultivation base."

?? "That's right, and Senior Brother Zhao is handsome, the senior sister's requirements are too high, if it were me, I would have rushed to get married sooner."

?? "It's you when you are a big sister, you know the **** all day long."

?? "Oh, I just think about it. Among people like Brother Zhao, Dragon and Phoenix can't have my turn."

?? The discussion gradually quieted, but Song Zhixia did not read a word of the book in her hand. Her eyes were full of loss. I don’t know why, she felt very uncomfortable when she heard that the senior sister had a future Taoist companion, and her heart was very confused. I can't stand the book anymore.

?? Song Zhixia simply sacrificed the sword that the senior sister gave her, Yujian returned to her residence, she wanted to ask the senior sister and Daolu what was going on, but she was very afraid of getting what she didn't want from the senior sister. The answer, under upset, Song Zhixia had to go back to the room and meditate to calm her mind.

?? Although Song Weizhi has been practicing very hard these days, he still can't feel the pulse of the Yuan Ying period. Thinking that his birthday and Song Zhixia are on the same day, he has no interest in such things as birthdays. After all, in modern times I haven't seen anything before, and I don't have a cold for these after I've been here again, but my little girl is different. She probably hadn't had a decent birthday before.

?? Song Weizhi thought that others had something, and his own little girl had to have it, so Yujian went to the market of Linhai City, where most of them sell some spiritual artifacts, treasures, medicinal materials, etc., but most of the things are The low-level and middle-level ones rarely encounter high-level spirit weapons and the like.

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