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?? After Zhou Qingxue sent Wei Zhao the earrings, she was in a good mood, and even the smile on her face did not go down when she returned to her mother Yao Xintong.

?? It is a mother, but the cultivator will not worry because of the rush of time. Yao Xintong was born extremely young and looked like Zhou Qingxue's sister at all.

?? Yao Xintong saw that the pair of children in front of him came back safely, and the joy in his eyes was self-evident, "Qingxue, what's the joy of this? Tell me too?"

?? "Oh, there's nothing to be happy about. I just met a nasty ghost. She is quite funny." Zhou Qingxue leaned on Yao Xintong's arm and acted like a baby. She wanted to laugh when she thought of Wei Zhao's slumped expression just now.

?? "Chengwen, you also went to the Secret Realm, you talk about it." Yao Xintong smiled and looked at Zhou Chengwen.

?? Zhou Qingxue immediately said anxiously: "Brother, you are not allowed to talk nonsense, or I will ignore you."

?? "Okay, then I don't know anything." Zhou Chengwen has nothing to do with his sister.

?? "Hey, yes, Qingxue, why is there only one earring you wear on weekdays?" Zhou Chengwen looked at his sister's empty left ear canal in confusion.

?? Zhou Qingxue's face was a little unnatural, and a tinge of scarlet appeared at the base of her ears, "Well, I don't know, maybe I was taken away by the passing cats, cats and dogs, oh, brother, just leave it alone."

?? "Fine, I was wrong, I shouldn’t ask more."

?? Yao Xintong looked at the two children who were playing and making trouble, and the smiles in his eyes were more than enough. Only when he was with the two children could Yao Xintong smile from the bottom of his heart.

?? Early the next morning, Song Weizhi looked at the little girl who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and was a little reluctant to wake her up. The little girl who reached out gently scratched her face twice, and the little girl rubbed Song with dissatisfaction. Weizhi's shoulders did not open his eyes.

?? Song Weizhi had to print his fine and dense kisses on the little girl's forehead and cheek, and finally landed on the corner of the little girl's lips, and the little girl opened her eyes under the harassment of Song Weizhi.

?? Just when I woke up, my voice was still a little dumb, and the little girl rubbed aggrievedly in Song Weizhi's arms and said: "Senior Sister, what are you doing?"

?? Song Weizhi smiled softly and stretched out his hand to stroke the girl's back and said, "Get Xia Xia to get up, there will be morning classes today, and we will change our clothes and go there together later."

?? The little girl whispered softly: "Well, the senior sister is bad, she bullied me early in the morning."

?? Song Weizhi rubbed the little girl's hair and smiled: "Doesn't Xia Xia like it?"

?? The little girl's teeth gently bit Song Weizhi's shoulder through the thin coat, Song Weizhi only chuckled and let the little girl bite herself. After all, the little girl was still reluctant and only gently scratched. After two clicks, he also let go.

?? Song Weizhi hugged the little girl for a long time, and then the two got up, put on the moon-white inner disciple clothes, and then went out.

?? Arriving at the door of Wei Zhao's room, Song Weizhi knocked on the door to remind Wei Zhao to remember to put on his disciple's suit. After a while, Wei Zhao came out of the room.

?? Wei Zhao was born cold. He used to wear black clothes. This time he wore a moon-white disciple's clothes. This time, he was bright, and he wore a blue earring next to his left ear. It seems that the whole person is more bright and moving.

Dressed As A Fake Daughter in Xiu Xianwen - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now