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?? The little girl was also a little stunned. Didn't you say that you don't want to eat it?

?? When Song Zhixia was looking at Song Weizhi innocently, Song Weizhi's whole person had already got together, and the little girl said dumbfounded: "Why don't I buy another bunch for Senior Sister?"

?? Song Weizhi said with a light smile: "That's not necessary, isn't Xia Xia ready-made here?"

?? The little girl hadn’t understood what Song Weizhi meant, so she touched the edge of her lips softly. Song Weizhi’s lips had already covered the little girl’s lips and rubbed gently, she really felt the little girl. The lips are sweeter than ever.

?? It was not until Song Weizhi withdrew a little bit that the little girl realized what had just happened. It was so young and white, the senior sister actually kissed her, and she said she wanted to eat candied haws!

?? Song Weizhi held the person in his arms and said while touching the little girl's ears: "Candied haws are really sweet."

?? Song Zhixia heard Song Weizhi's words, the crimson on her cheeks became even worse, and she always felt that Senior Sister was bullying her!

?? The little girl was a little aggrieved in Song Weizhi's arms and said coquettishly: "Senior Sister, did you deliberately."

?? Song Weizhi said innocently: "No, it is Xia Xia who has taken over my candied haws. I can't do this, but the candied haws are really delicious." After saying that, Song Weizhi still stared at it as if it was still incomplete. The little girl looked at her lips.

?? Song Zhixia was stared at by Song Weizhi’s scorching gaze, and she did not dare to raise her head. Song Weizhi reached out and raised her chin, and asked softly: "What should I do? Senior sister just didn’t seem to have tasted enough, Xia Xia. Do you want to eat it for me?"

?? Song Zhixia's cheeks blushed and turned into a peach color, and her heart kept beating along with Song Weizhi's words. It was obviously the senior sister who wanted to bully herself, but what was going on with herself still very happy?

?? Song Zhixia looked up at Song Weizhi in a panic, and saw the senior sister looking at herself with a smile.

?? Just when Song Weizhi thought the little girl was too shy to answer, he heard the voice of the person in his arms as small as a mosquito: "To sister."

?? After speaking, the little girl dared not look up at Song Weizhi again, and got a satisfactory answer. Song Weizhi kissed again with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but this time it was more than just a taste. Kiss, but really tasted the sweetness of the little girl's mouth.

?? Seeing the little girl in his arms obediently letting him kiss, Song Weizhi didn't want to let go of the little girl. In the end, he saw that the little girl was almost out of breath, and then he let go of the little girl in his arms.

?? Who knows that as soon as Song Weizhi let go, the little girl's hands grasped Song Weizhi's arms, and she threw herself into Song Weizhi's arms, and said softly, "Sister, my legs are weak."

?? Song Weizhi's eyebrows were crooked, and only the little girl who was coquettish at her was left in his eyes. Hearing that the girl's legs were weak, he immediately embraced the little girl with one hand, and crossed the little girl's legs and hugged the person sideways. .

?? Song Zhixia was a little shy and leaned on Song Weizhi's shoulder, thinking a little embarrassingly, how come the senior sister kissed herself and her legs became weak?

?? Song Weizhi hugged the little girl and sat on the stool by the table, while the little girl sat on Song Weizhi's body.

?? Song Wei held the little girl in one hand, and played with the other hand. The little girl was uncomfortable sitting on Song Weizhi’s lap. She leaned on Song Weizhi and whispered softly: "Sister , I just sit by myself."

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