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?? "Thank you all for coming over to celebrate my birthday today. I won't say too much if you are polite. You can drink as much as you like." Song Weizhi said a few words to the face, and the banquet only began, because they are all immortal cultivators. , So Song Ruhai asked people to prepare things like spirit fruit and immortal dew.

?? Everyone was happily drunk as they crossed together. Song Weizhi ate something and left. Anyway, this banquet was used by Song Ruhai to communicate with other schools. It didn’t matter if she was there or not, and there was a beautiful little girl at home. The girl is waiting for her.

?? Song Weizhi came out of the hall and ran into Zhao Xuankun who also came out to breathe.

?? "Sister Song, as today's protagonist, why not stay in it?" Zhao Xuankun asked politely.

?? "I don't need me for this banquet. Brother Zhao has also come out? I have something to do, so I will leave first." Song Weizhi felt that the male lead was normal, so he said a few more words.

?? "Okay, let's go slowly." Zhao Xuankun didn't like that kind of scene either.

?? Song Weizhi came out of Li Shuojian, and she returned to her small yard within a few moments. Instead of looking for Song Zhixia directly, she ran into the kitchen and made some noodles with herself.

?? Song Weizhi puts a pot in a small pot, puts chopped green onion and other seasonings, adds water, and puts some vegetable leaves, breaks the eggs in the pot, and finally puts the noodles he has rolled. No one is with the little girl. Of course you have to accompany you on your birthday, just to give Song Zhixia Anli the pot noodles are also very delicious, don't always think about fried sauce!

?? Song Weizhi took out two bowls of noodles from the pot and put them in his hands, got up and knocked on Song Zhixia's door.

?? Song Zhixia was like a little milk rabbit that no one wanted, secretly wiped her tears, her eyes were red. After hearing the knock on the door, she was shocked and quickly wiped away the tears around her eyes.

?? Then rushed to open the door. There were three people living in the yard. Wei Zhao never came to him, so the person knocking on the door must be the senior sister!

?? Song Zhixia opened the door anxiously, and saw the person who had been thinking about it all night, and couldn't help it for a while, and his eyes turned red again.

?? Of course, Song Weizhi also noticed that his little girl’s eyes were red, and hurriedly coaxed: "Do you think the senior sister came back to accompany you early? I also made longevity noodles, but I haven’t cooked for a long time. I don’t know if it’s delicious, can you taste it?"

?? Song Zhixia helped Song Weizhi put the longevity face on the table, and the tears in his eyes could no longer hold back, and he fell down. The whole person was aggrieved and threw himself into Song Weizhi’s arms. Song Wei Zhi hurriedly hugged the crying little girl in his arms.

?? "What happened to Xia Xia? Huh? Did you miss Senior Sister? Didn't Senior Sister come back to accompany Xia Xia?"

?? Song Weizhi didn’t coax it, but the little girl in his arms began to choke in his arms. Song Weizhi had to put the person in his arms and coax the girl’s back with one hand. Smoothly, touch the little girl's ear with one hand.

?? Song Zhixia's ears trembled and trembled with her sobbing, like a beautiful little flower swaying in the wind and rain, which made people pity, Song Weizhi felt distressed for no reason, she did not accompany her. Girl, this makes the little girl feel insecure again.

?? "Baby Xia Xia, cry if you want to cry, anyway, senior sister will coax the baby, okay?" Song Weizhi tightened the arms around Song Zhixia's waist, and hugged the little girl tightly in his arms.

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