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?? Before the ghosts could react, Song Zhixia had already started. The ghosts near her in the void had been torn apart by Song Zhixia. The corners of her lips were slightly raised. The suffering she suffered was at the bottom of the cliff. She will not let go of these ghosts.

?? Suddenly there was a mess under the Devil Blood Cliff, some fleeing, some evading Song Zhixia's pursuit, Song Zhixia killed and stopped, while tearing these ghosts by hand, his own cultivation level broke through again. , Under the Demon Blood Cliff was shrouded again by dark clouds. Although the clouds were not as low as that day, they were still densely packed.

?? The original monk had to go through seven thunder tribulations to reach the Mahayana stage, but after Song Zhixia fell into the magical way, she needed to go through fourteen thunder tribulations. She was no longer afraid of pain, just a little trance. In the days, if you survive the thunder tribulation yourself, the senior sister will always be by your side.

?? Song Zhixia summoned the spirit sword and held it in her hand. Now she is in good condition, and there are three pieces of Yuanshen fragment blessing in her body. Song Zhixia is no longer afraid of these thunder disasters.

?? The cloud is getting lower and lower, and it soon enveloped Song Zhixia in the dark clouds.

?? "This little girl is also terrible. In just a few days, she has actually risen to her level again."

?? "Who said no? I knew she was so powerful, and I should have killed it a long time ago to prevent future troubles."

?? Those ghosts at the bottom of the cliff have been torn apart by Song Zhixia Shengsheng a lot these days, and now the intestines are all repented, such a woman shouldn't be offended in the first place.

?? At this time, the thunder tribulation in the sky has been smashed, and Song Zhixia raised his sword to block it. At the beginning of the seven thunder tribulations, Song Zhixia could barely withstand the seven thunder tribulations with her own cultivation base, but she was somewhat powerless after the seven thunder tribulations. His body was gradually cut into wounds by the thunder tribulation, and many parts of his body were turned out. By the time the last thunder tribulation smashed, Song Zhixia was already exhausted, but there was more abundant energy in the dantian than before. Spiritual power.

?? "This woman can't stay while she is sick and kill her. Many of our brothers have been torn to pieces by her, so we must kill her as soon as possible."

?? "Well, let's go together."

?? There are countless black shadows in the void approaching Song Zhixia. Song Zhixia suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyebrows are full of clear light, "Okay, all come to die, then you will be fulfilled."

?? Speaking of Song Zhixia has already started, all the ghosts that are close to her have exploded into fireworks in Song Zhixia's sword gas, and there is not even ashes left. I wonder if they were eaten by these ghosts day and night. Credit, Song Zhixia's wounded flesh and blood healed extremely quickly, and within a short while, the skin and flesh that had been split by the thunder robbery had healed.

The speed in Song Zhixia's hand was getting faster and faster. She wielded the spirit sword tirelessly. The ghosts that came to her were not spared. Later, when these ghosts saw Song Zhixia's evil door, they began to flee. Did not dare to look for death in front of Song Zhixia.

?? Song Zhixia sneered: "Why? Didn't you kill me just now? Why are you planning to let me go now? But I didn't plan to let you go. If I didn't tear you all up, I would never leave here. At the bottom of the cliff."

?? Speaking of chasing after the sword, those ghosts were frightened and fled, and some ghosts had recruited the secret of the mysterious bird primordial fragments hidden at the bottom of the Demon Blood Cliff in order to save their lives.

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