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?? Finally, I went back to the room. Song Zhixia's tears fell drop by drop. It was terrible to let Song Weizhi know that she still didn't dare to cry too loudly, so she could only lie on the bed and whimper, making a mess in her mind. .

?? The elder sister didn't want her at all. She had always been wishful thinking, thinking that the tears in these eyes would have poured out one after another, and the quilt was wet.

?? On the other side, the Tian’s disciples outside the small courtyard fled, Song Ruhai also returned to the room to rest with He Qingmei’s support. After this incident, Song Ruhai lost his son and was injured by Song Weizhi again. He was recuperating in the room all day, but he lost his fighting spirit for a while.

?? And many disciples of the Song family saw that the head they admired on weekdays turned out to be this face. Many disciples chose to leave and switch to other sects. These days Song Ruhai was absent, and the trivial matters in the sect fell on Tianming. , It made him burnt.

?? Song Weizhi sent Wei Zhao out to inquire about the news these days. She wanted to take Song Zhixia to leave Linhai City earlier, but because there was still a piece of Yuanshen fragment in Linhai City, she had to stay, just In the past few days, she always felt that her family's Xia Xia's attitude towards her was a little weird. At first, she seemed to hide her a little, but then it was no different from the past. Song Weizhi suspected that it was her own illusion.

?? But soon Song Weizhi didn’t have time to think about it. After several days of investigation, Wei Zhao discovered that Song Ruhai always went to the Song ancestral hall for a long time to worship, and the construction here is extremely hidden, and it is not allowed on weekdays. Other people enter, the others are no different.

?? Song Weizhi followed Wei Zhao to the ancestral hall. The ancestral hall was hidden in a remote corner. It should be opened by magic. Song Weizhi set up a barrier here. People under Yuan Ying's cultivation level would listen to it. When there was no movement here, Li Shuo sword was used to break the barrier, and Wei Zhao was asked to stay outside the ancestral hall to guard.

?? Song Weizhi stepped into the ancestral hall, she couldn't feel any other strangeness at all. What greeted her were the rows of tablets. She called the system out of her mind, and under the system's scanning, she quickly positioned the second place. A piece of the primordial spirit, the fragment of the primordial spirit is in a wooden box on the top beam of the ancestral hall. Song Weizhi used spiritual power to break the restriction on the top of the ancestral hall, but was shocked by a stronger spiritual power. Hit a wall of the ancestral hall.

?? Song Weizhi's original white face became paler, and a mouthful of blood was printed on the lips, and his ears were hummed, but he underestimated the restriction.

?? Song Weizhi wiped the blood on the lips with his fingertips, stood up to stabilize his mind, and asked the system in his mind: "What's the restriction?"

?? The mechanical sound of the system sounded in my mind: "This prohibition is placed by a monk in the distraction period, and it needs to be broken with enough spiritual power."

?? After Song Weizhi took two pills, he continued to continuously input spiritual power into the ban on the top of the ancestral hall. After that, he was banned again and went back. Song Weizhi continued to take the medicine, and then went back. Cracking the prohibition...

?? The sky turned from white to black. Song Weizhi kept breaking through the ban, not knowing how many pills he took and how much blood he vomited. Song Weizhi finally broke the ban before Zishi, making the last touch. Spiritual power removed the wooden box on the beam, thinking that it was finally helping her little girl to find the second soul fragment, Song Weizhi's pale face had a slight smile, but she was exhausted now. , Qi and blood are even more depleted, even walking a bit wobbly.

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