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Regardless of the injuries on his body, Song Zhixia curled up to the entrance of the cave, saw the dark clouds in the sky, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his lips. Instead of being eaten by those things day and night, it would be better to be smashed by thunder. The death came so happily, just thinking of Song Weizhi, Song Zhixia, who didn't shed a tear even if his flesh and blood was crushed by life, had a faint redness in his eyes.

?? I don't want to let the senior sister see this picture of myself, and Song Zhixia quietly closed his eyes, waiting for the fall of Thunder Tribulation.

?? Not long after that, the dark cloud is getting lower and lower, but Song Zhixia is not afraid at all, and even feels that it is a relief for herself. The only thing she can't let go is her senior sister. What she regrets most is that the senior sister has not asked her. A few tears flicked across the corner of Song Zhixia's eyes. She hadn't cried for a long time, and the tears fell with her cheeks, and she quietly closed her eyes.

?? At this time, the thunder robbery in the sky was still smashing towards Song Zhixia, and the power was a bit more powerful, but Song Zhixia has been bitten by these ghosts all these days and nights, and has long been surprised by the pain. Weird, she soon smelled the burning smell of her own flesh and skin. Not only was she hacked, but the cave behind her was smashed and collapsed by the thunder.

?? Song Zhixia thought a few more times, everything would be over. At this time, she was scorched and blood splashed all over the floor. Song Zhixia's consciousness gradually dissipated, and the whole person had fainted, but Lei Jie did not let Song Zhixia go. The meaning of, was still hacked down one by one, and some parts of the body that had been charred were directly chopped into dregs.

?? I don’t know how long it took, the black clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, the Demon Blood Cliff gradually returned to its usual appearance, and Song Zhixia’s place had been smashed into a huge pit by the thunder, and her body had been split seven times. Seven or eight, but fortunately, although the head and body's flesh were turned into coke, the primordial spirit and Dantian Qihai were still there.

?? Not long after the ghasts that ate away Song Zhixia's body, they all wandered over again.

?? "Good fellow, did God make a mistake? I just counted it roughly. This Thunder Tribulation has smashed as many as thirty times. How could it be possible?"

?? "Could it be that this little girl did something wrong? Thirty Thunder Tribulation is really the first time I have seen it. I haven't seen it when I was alive."

?? "What should I do? The grains in hand are flying, or if I am still angry, what if I feed some pills and live again?"

?? "It makes sense."

?? Several intangible ghasts approached Song Zhixia’s body. Song Zhixia’s face was already a handful of coke, but there was still a weak vitality. A few ghasts stuffed the pill into Song Zhixia’s mouth that had already exposed the bones. In the middle, Song Zhixia's originally scorched body began to gradually hemorrhage.

?? "Oh, it's so risky, I almost can't eat meat."

?? "Yes, it's good to have a look, it's a pity if it's not."

?? In the Hanshan Jianzong's water cell, Wei Zhao was still soaked in the cold water cell. The water in the water cell covered Wei Zhao's chest. When she was thrown in, she was seriously injured and unconscious. She was directly soaked in the water, almost Asphyxiated to death.

?? The storage bag on her body has long been raided, so she can only carry it without the healing pill, and she has to endure the pressing cold in the water prison. Wei Zhao only knows that as long as she is not sure that the owner is safe , Then she can't die.

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