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?? Fortunately, the cultivator is so easy to wash, and everything is cleaned with only one spell.

?? Wei Zhao had been waiting for a long time when Song Weizhi took the little girl downstairs. She glanced at Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia suspiciously. She always felt that the relationship between the master and her gangster was weird, but it was specific. What's the blame, then she really can't tell.

?? Song Weizhi and the others soon came to the square outside Hanshan Jianzong gate, and saw that it was crowded with people. There were already many people waiting there. Song Weizhi and the others were all here. It was late, but the three of them were gorgeous and attracted a lot of people's attention as soon as they arrived.

?? "Hey, look at the three female cultivators who came over there, look good, if you can enter the inner gate with them, it would be nice to just look at it every day."

?? "Really, I don't know if I can get to know each other in the past."

?? "Cut, Israel serves people, the world of immortality looks at strength, what's the use of looking good? It's not for selling sex." The female disciples next to them were dissatisfied.

?? "That is, look at their appearance, don't even get through the first level for a while."

?? Song Weizhi and the others didn't care much about the surrounding discussion. She roughly scanned the square, and she saw the hero Zhao Xuankun. It seemed that the power of the plot still pushed them all together.

?? Zhao Xuankun seemed to have seen Song Weizhi and the others, and hurried over to greet him. Ever since he came out of the secret realm, Zhao Xuankun felt that his own cultivation base might be held in places like Linhai City, but it might be in a big place. I couldn't even look at it enough, so I came to the imperial capital resolutely, wanting to study in the best Swordsman sect in Nanming Continent.

?? Zhao Xuankun was originally the kind of high-cold male cultivator of the abstinence system. After coming over to stand with Song Weizhi and the others, it attracted the attention of many people. After a few people chatted for a few words, they saw Hanshan Jianzong coming out. A lot of disciples.

?? The person headed is the face of Ji Yueguangfeng. It is Qi Yingzhe, the first disciple of the Hanshan Sword Sect. He is already the cultivation base of Yuan Ying Dzogchen at a young age, and is the genius of cultivation of immortality in the entire Nanming Continent, and he is more of a human being. Being upright is the example of the entire Hanshan Sword Sect.

?? As soon as he appeared in the square, he calmed down, "Thank you for coming to my Hanshan Sword Sect today. The Hanshan Sword Sect recruits disciples every three years. Dao test, one is to look at the cultivation base, the other is to look at the spiritual roots, and the third is to enter the secret realm when both of the first two are passed. According to the number of monsters hunted, the top 30 can be ranked. Enter my Hanshan Sword Sect and become an inner disciple."

?? Qi Yingzhe's voice is not loud, because it is infused with spiritual power, everyone in the square can just hear it.

?? There was a lot of discussion in the square again:

?? "Hey, that's Senior Brother Qi. I used to hear that he is a genius in cultivating immortals, and he is a good person. Now it seems to be the same as the rumors."

?? "That is, how many young girls want to enter the Cold Mountain Sword Sect for him."

?? "When can I become a person like Senior Brother Qi?"

?? "You'd better go to bed earlier."

??Qi Yingzhe elegantly waited for everyone's discussion to fade away on the high platform, and then continued: "Today we started the first two tests. Only those who are qualified in cultivation and spiritual roots can participate in the test of the secret realm. I will always be here. With everyone, fairness will be guaranteed in all trials, so let's start now."

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