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?? The clown chicken closed its eyes. It also felt that it could not escape the crisis. At this moment, a sword light flashed and directly cut off one of Chen Li's rhinoceros. The original spirit beast was incorporeal. Yes, but it will also suffer substantial damage, and such damage will continue until the primordial spirit can be transformed into an entity.

?? One of the rhinoceros's front hoofs was cut off and fell to the ground wailing. Chen Li flushed even more and shouted: "Who is it? Who dares to harm my soul? I'm fighting with you."

?? As he spoke, he offered his saber and pointed it straight in front of him.

?? A few moments later, the master of the sword light just arrived late, Song Weizhi fell in front of Song Zhixia in a hurry, she deployed the whole body spiritual power, and immediately broke the power of Chen Li just now. Pressure.

?? Song Weizhi turned his head and looked at Song Zhixia behind him and asked softly, "I'm sorry I'm late, how is it?"

?? Song Zhixia’s eyes were already red, she didn’t want to cry in front of Song Weizhi, but for some reason, the moment she saw Song Weizhi standing in front of her, tears broke and flowed out, Song Zhixia found out After he was able to move, he moved slightly to Song Weizhi's side, bit his lip and said, "Senior Sister, can you help me save my chicken?"

?? Song Weizhi looked at the crying pear and rain heroine next to him, where could he say no! Besides, that clown chicken will become one of the most powerful beasts in the world in the future, and the original owner may be The hostess has fed this clown chicken, and while the clown chicken hasn't become more powerful, Song Weizhi plans to have a good relationship with the clown chicken first, so that the clown chicken can't speak to himself in the future.

?? "Okay, don't worry." Song Weizhi's soft voice floated by Song Zhixia's ears, the next moment the clown chicken standing not far from Chen Li had reached Song Weizhi's hands, the clown chicken was dumbfounded. Looking at Song Weizhi, he just felt light. The feeling of oppression was gone, and the big hoof hanging over his head did not fall on him. The clown chicken put his little head on Song Weizhi’s palm. The inside is arched.

?? Song Weizhi glanced at the naive look of the clown chicken, and couldn't help laughing. She gently handed the clown chicken that she was holding to Song Zhixia, "Take it right."

?? Song Zhixia obediently held the clown chicken in his palm, but Chen Li, who was not far away, had already red eyes. He stared at Song Weizhi in disbelief and shouted: "Master sister, what are you doing? That's my primordial spirit beast, how can you hurt it?"

?? Song Weizhi calmly looked at Chen Li and said faintly: "Why can't I hurt it? You are planning to crush the soul of others, why can't I hurt your beast?"

?? "Senior Sister, I'm all for your own good. Song Zhixia, this bitch, took away your position as the daughter of the boss when he came back. Didn't I teach her that it was not for you? You, how could you hurt my beast because of this? ??" Chen Li said with tears and tears, as if Song Weizhi had failed his kindness.

?? Song Weizhi heard that Chen Li's words were really disgusting. When she opened her mouth, she was old green tea. She looked at Song Zhixia next to him, fearing that Song Zhixia might misunderstand him, and explained: "I never explained this to him."

?? "Sister, I believe you." Song Zhixia's eyes were reddish, but his eyes were full of determination when he looked at Song Weizhi.

?? "Chen Li, you don't need to buckle me such a hat. I have never told you about this. It is completely your own dirty thoughts. Besides, the position of the daughter of the head was originally Sister Song's position. What do you have? Qualification questioned?" Song Weizhi said coldly.

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