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?? The little girl wondered if it was her own illusion. Sister, did she kiss her again?

?? Too late to think about it, the temperature on Song Weizhi's lips quickly spread, hot Song Zhixia's heart tightened, her eyes lightly closed, feeling Song Weizhi's lips, obediently letting Song Weizhi Hold yourself kiss.

?? Song Weizhi’s lips only felt soft where he kissed, and her Xia Xia’s lips were too soft, and the taste seemed to be softer than the pastries she had eaten before. After a few more kisses Let go of Song Zhixia, the little girl's cheeks are reddish, and everyone is soft in Song Weizhi's arms, and she has forgotten to cry a long time ago.

?? Song Zhixia leaned on Song Weizhi's shoulder, looking at Song Weizhi blankly with a pair of peachy eyes, and wanted to ask Song Weizhi why she kissed her, but after all he could not ask.

?? Song Weizhi pursed her lips, looking at the girl's pale peach lips, she felt that she hadn't kissed enough just now? Thinking of what he had just thought of, Song Weizhi shook his head quickly to clear these thoughts. She and Xia Xia are both nieces, and it is a little weird that the niece always hugs each other and kisses each other.

?? While Song Zhixia was still dumbfounded, Song Weizhi took out the light yellow gas in the wooden box, and softly coaxed beside Song Zhixia's ear: "Xia Xia be good, senior sister wants to melt the Yuanshen fragments into Xia Xia Yuanshen. Inside."

?? "But..." The little girl pulled Song Weizhi's sleeve anxiously.

?? "No, but, when Xia Xia has something good in the future, you can give it to me." Song Weizhi looked at Song Zhixia with a chuckle.

?? Seeing that the little girl stopped refusing, Song Weizhi pushed the light yellow gas in his hand into Song Zhixia's body with spiritual power. Soon, the yellow mist made it easy for Song Zhixia's primordial spirit to blend together.

?? Song Zhixia only feels that the spiritual power in the body is more surging, and the spiritual power seems to be a lot more than before.

?? "Xia Xia, let the chicken out and have a look." Song Weizhi said softly, hooking the girl's waist.

?? Song Zhixia released the chick, and saw that the thin chick seemed to have grown up again. The gray illusory hair also turned pale yellow. Although it looked very small, it was obviously stronger than before. many.

?? The chicken was very excited after being released. The chicken eyes stared at Song Zhixia and Song Weizhi, as if they were a little confused about their posture.

?? Song Zhixia was a little shy when the chicken was staring, she looked at Song Wei with a pair of peachy eyes, and whispered: "Senior Sister, let me go down, the chicken is watching."

?? Song Weizhi's lips rose slightly, and he smiled and said: "The little chicken doesn't understand anything, besides, is the senior sister's arms uncomfortable?"

?? Song Zhixia glanced at Song Weizhi and knew that Senior Sister was teasing her again, so she flicked Song Weizhi's sleeves and said coquettishly: "Sister, don't talk nonsense."

?? Song Weizhi looked at Song Zhixia's ear tips slowly dyeing red, and smiled and said, "Okay, come to Xiaxia to be more careful." Then he helped the little girl up from his lap.

?? Song Zhixia pursed her lips, thinking that she had just been kissed by the senior sister here, and the peach color on her face was thicker. She did not dare to look at Song Weizhi anymore, so she squatted down and started to tease the chicken. The chicken is a lot stronger than before, and his small eyes are moving around. It looks a lot smarter than before.

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